Rainy Days

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It was a bright and sunny Saturday, the day of the week you and Newt always had work off. It had become a weekly tradition for you both to always take a morning stroll around the bustling London area on rare days when the Sun was smiling upon everyone instead of being shut out by towering pillars of gray clouds.

Your hand was loosely holding Newt's as you admired the beautiful scenery. So much, that you didn't seem to notice the dark clouds blanketing the sky until it was too late.

You felt something wet hit your shoulder, and looked up. "Uh... Newt? Is it supposed to rain today?"

Newt looked up as well. "I'm not sure, but we should probably get back to the flat before we're a soggy mess."

As if Newt jinxed everybody outside that day, it began to pour.

"Bloody Hell!" You exclaimed. "Well, we'd better hurry up!"

Neither you or Newt had an actual umbrella on you, and you weren't going to use your wands, for fear a muggle might notice. You ducked under any awning you could, but you and your clothes were still extremely soaked.

Finally, you reached the door to your flat. You unlocked the door and you both stepped inside, closing the door behind you. Out of pure habit, Newt wiped his feet on the doormat. You giggled.

He looked at you oddly. "What is it?" He then followed your gaze and looked at the puddles of dripping water forming on the hardwood floor from the water dripping from his sopping blue coat. "Oh..."

You chuckled. "Yeah, love, wiping some mud off your shoes isn't going to help the mess we're making just by standing at the front door."

You took out your wand and shot a spell at the fireplace, causing orange flames to erupt and crackle from the logs.

You went straight into mother hen mode. "Love, you're shivering, and I don't want either of us to catch a cold. Go take off all your clothes, towel off, and put on something new. Then hang your wet clothes in front of the fireplace. I'll do the same and then make us some nice hot tea, okay?"

Newt nodded and went off to do exactly as you'd instructed. You followed suit, and then busied yourself in the kitchen making two cups of tea.

When you came back, tea in hand, you found Newt sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace bundled under a huge pile of fluffy and soft blankets. (I know what you're thinking... how could someone already so soft become even more soft?)

"Is there room for one more?"

Newt tilted his head up to see you standing there. He grinned. "Of course, my love," he replied cheekily as he scooted over to make room for you.

You climbed under the warm blankets and handed Newt one of the teacups.

"You're an angel, Y/N," he said as he sipped his tea and cuddled up to you.

"Oh trust me, I know," you said slyly as you stroked Newt's curly-but-now-damp hair and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, then moved a bit to capture your lips with his.

"Your kisses are always the best," Newt said as you pulled away.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2017 ⏰

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