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This is a Hufflepuff!Reader but still very cute for all

Also, their relationship is platonic

Newt had returned to England. Alone, but with his case. When he got off the boat, he disapparated to the door to his flat.


Newt's neighbor was a wizard, and he knew that. Ever since the day an Occamy escaped and slithered under the door. Newt wasn't aware it had gotten loose until he opened his front door to reveal a teapot, the Occamy inside, with a note attached to the lid.:

You'd better keep that Occamy under control, Mr. Scamander. The Ministry would have a fit if it were to get inside a muggle home.

Fellow Hufflepuff, Y/N L/N

(This is how he got the idea to trap the Occamy in a teapot in New York). Newt felt like a blasted idiot for letting a creature slip away from him so easily, so as soon as he read the note he knocked on your door to apologize.

When you opened the door he immediately began to speak. "I am so sorry about my Occamy getting into your flat. I-I hope he didn't break anything, if he did I'll replace it. Thank you so much for returning him. Once again I'm truly–."

You cut him off with a laugh. He looked at you confused. You smiled at him. "Don't worry! It was no trouble at all, really. My mother use to breed Occamies, I picked up a thing or two."

He smiled. "So you work for the Ministry too?"

"Yes. At least I hope to; I'm training to be an Auror." You realized you were still talking to Newt in the open doorway. "Oh! I'm sorry, you're still standing in the doorway. Would you like to come in for some tea?"

"I would love to, Miss L/N."

"Call me Y/N."

Ever since that day, you and Newt began to talk more and more, eventually to the point where you would always have tea and dinner together on Saturdays.

**End of flashback**

When he got back from New York, you were thrilled to have your best friend back again. As he was about to unlock the door to his flat, you popped your head out of yours. "Good to see you again, Newt!"

"You too, Y/N."

You tilted your head and knit your eyebrows. Newt didn't have the typical pep-in-his-step that he always seemed to have. He never acted like this unless something was wrong with one of his creatures or beasts. You stepped out of your flat and approached him. "What's wrong?"


"Come on. I know you. Something's wrong."

He sighed. "I met some really nice people in New York, and I miss them."

You looked at him sympathetically. "Oh. I'm sorry, I know how that feels." You paused, and your face brightened. "But I can't stand to see you sad. That's why you're going to drop your stuff off in your flat and then come to mine."

He nodded and his lips perked upward. "Thank you, Y/N. Merlin knows what I would do without you."

You hugged him and then went back to your flat. Newt did as you said: he dropped his case off in his bedroom (and put some heavy books on it for precautions).

He walked next door and when he was just about to knock on it, you flung open the door. "Come in!" You exclaimed, tugging Newt's arm gently, leading him to where the sofa was and pushed him down onto it. "Sit."

Just then, the kettle made it's high-pitched whistle to signal the tea was done boiling. You poured the steaming tea into two cups and walked over to where Newt was and set both cups down on the coffee table (or, in this case, a tea table lol). You grabbed a nice heavy blanket and draped it over Newt.

"You really don't have to do this Y/N... I was being a child," Newt said.

"Yes, I do. You're a good man that doesn't deserve to be sad Plus I haven't seen you in a week and I've missed youuuu!"

He grinned at your childlike demeanor.

You stepped over to your bookshelf in the living room and turned on the radio. You then got under the blanket and snuggled up to next to Newt.

"So. Tell me about your adventures in New York."

"To sum it up, I basically lost some of my creatures in New York, befriended a muggle that helped me find them, sentenced to death but a Bowtruckle helped me out if it, met two sisters, one of them probably wanted to kill me and the other fell in love with said muggle, and then I found Grindelwald, and I got on a boat and now here I am."

You looked at him in shock. "Niceee."

(lmao that's ALL I could think of you saying in response)

Newt Scamander OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now