I Love You, and Only You

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When Tina broke up with Newt (yes, that's right. Tina broke up with Newt. Not the other way around) for some muscular Auror guy, he was heart broken. He refused to interact with anyone but his creatures for a week. You, being his best friend, tried to coax him out of his case. Eventually he gave in, and allowed you to hold him while he clung to you and cried on your shoulder. When you lifted his head up to look at him, he looked right into your eyes, studying you carefully. His gaze fell down to your lips, making your eyes widen a bit. Newt leaned forward and pressed a sweet kiss to your lips, although you pulled away rather quickly.

"I-I'm sorry... that wasn't right...," Newt said quietly.

You thought for a moment. "But it felt so right," you said, crashing your lips back onto Newt's.

He responded immediately, bringing his arms down to your waist. You wrapped your arms aorund his neck and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. Newt's tongue lightly brushed your bottom lip.

You both pulled away breathless. You spent a good fifteen seconds staring at each other until Newt finally realized something.

"It was you... it was always you... never her."

You smiled. "I'm glad you finally noticed," you replied and kissed his nose.

Ever since that day, you two never mentioned Tina again. However, you worked for MACUSA, so her name would occasionally pop up somewhere.

It was around Christmas (deal with it), and MACUSA was holding a Christmas party. You were very excited to attend with Newt, until you realized something. Tina was sure to be there with her Auror boyfriend. It hadn't crossed Newt's mind, and you didn't want to worry him, so you didn't bother to tell him. You wanted to have a good time with Newt rather than worry about his ex. You had thought about just not going, but since you were the personal secretary to Seraphina Piquery, you didn't exactly have a choice.

As you were applying the final touches of your makeup, you thought of something that made the color drain from your now-rosy cheeks.

What if Newt still has feelings for Tina? I mean, she was the one to break up with him, so is it possible he still has the slightest bit of love for her?

You set down your lipstick and took a deep breath.

I'm not going to let these crazy and absurd thoughts ruin tonight.

So you walked out of the bathroom, left your apartment bundled in a warm coat and your H/H or I/H scarf, your arm linked with Newt's.

As you entered MACUSA headquarters, you quickly scanned the crowd to see if Tina was present at the moment.

Thankfully, you couldn't spot her anywhere. However, Newt noticed your worried look. "Are you okay, Y/N?"

"What? Oh! Yes. Yes, I'm fine. Just zoned out a little."

"Okay. But, let me know if you want to leave, alright?" he said, unlinking his arm from yours and entwining your fingers together.

"Of course, love."

You and Newt weren't the kind of people known as 'social butterflies'. You both preferred to sit at a table and observe the scene. Occasionally some of your friends would come over and wish you a merry christmas, but not much more than that. You and Newt enjoyed each other's company, clearly being the most adorable couple there.

But your smiles faded as soon as you saw her.

There was Tina, bright-faced gripping the arm of who had to be her boyfriend. You didn't know his name, but he was tall, well-built, and really handsome (but to you, nobody could ever be more attractive than your Newt). Tina was laughing with him and some of their fellow Aurors.

Newt saw your face drop. "What is it, Y/N/N?" he looked to where you were staring, and his smile faded too. Newt took notice that your facial expression wasn't just disgust, but also worry. Newt took your hand in his. "Why do you look so worried, dear?"

You turned to look at him. "Do you... do you still have feelings for her?" you asked, your face turning into one of sorrow.

Newt looked at you shocked and surprised. "What? Feelings for Tina? Good heavens no! Why would you ever think such a thing?"

"It's just... it's just, you were so heartbroken when she broke up with you, that... it wouldn't surprise me if you still loved her."

Newt leaned over the table and took your face in his hands. "Y/N, listen to me. She hurt me. More than anyone ever has before. But you were the one that stuck by my side when it happened. You showed that you loved me more than she ever had. More than anyone has, really. If Tina didn't truly love me, then I'm glad she left me. You're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. A gorgeous lady that loves me for me. I love you, and only you."

You grinned, and a tear of joy slipped down your cheek. "I love you. So much."

"I love you too."

You both leaned in and kissed, which quickly turned into a heated make-out session. Luckily, Tina turned around just at the right time to see it.

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