An Arranged Marriage

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EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: So this amazing imagine was written by my good friend Bevin, bluebird0904, but edited by me.

So in this one basically Newt and the reader are in an arranged marriage but the reader hates Newt but he adores her and after a year the reader realizes she does love Newt

Also, if this isn't an accurate wedding we apologize xD

You nervously fiddled with your diamond earring, watching silently as maids rushed around, hurrying to make you look flawless for your wedding. A white dress hung around you, a pretty thing with white lace and silk imported from India. Your hair tumbled around your ears in tight curls, and white gloves hid your long, willowy fingers. A light blush tinted your cheeks, and your lips were stained a dark red. This would have been a wonderful day for anyone else, but you weren't anyone else. While wedding days usually stuck in your brain as a good and happy thing, you knew it was going to be a bad memory.

Then again, arranged marriages weren't a happy thought.

Your parents had run out of options for you. Every man that was eligible to become your husband had left after the first meeting, not being able to handle your disdain towards them. Newt Scamander was the only one that lasted to the wedding day. He adored you, but you just wanted him to leave you alone.

"Are you ready dear?" your mother asked, walking into the room and wiping away a tear.

You just glared at her as you picked up the hem of your dress, pushing past her as you stalked out of the room.

Her scurrying footsteps followed you in your wake as you march into the cathedral. Your father was there waiting for you, his arm out for you to take. You weren't exactly happy for the moment, you know, with the whole arranged marriage papers your parents signed. You sarcastically smiled at your father, who was nearly in tears as well, and linked your arm in his. The doors to the cathedral flung open. Your feet dragged down the aisle as the music played, and you had to force the bile crawling up your throat back down. This was against everything you believed in.

When you reached Newt, he held out his hand for you to take. You scowled at it, but you could practically feel your parents burning holes into the back of your skull, so you took it, and your father took his seat in the front row next to your mother.

Newt's smile somehow brightened, and you wanted to slap his puppy-dog face.

The priest started his speech, saying you were connected and yada yada yada. Newt's hands were sweaty and warm in yours, but when you tried to wiggle your gloved ones away, he only held on tighter. You let out a sigh of defeat as the priest turned to you to say your vows. The recited words flew out of your mouth monotonically. There was a hurt look on his face when you ended, but he said his vows with all the sappy romance that a person in love would have.

You wanted to rip out his chestnut curls.

"Do you, Y/N, take Newton Scamander to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the priest said.

You hesitated, but finally spat out an "I do."

The priest nodded, satisfied, before turning to Newt. "And do you, Newton Scamander, take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," Newt said automatically, a huge grin on his face.

"Then you may now kiss the bride," the priest said happily.

Disgust rolled in your stomach as you turned to face Newt. His eyes were gleaming. "Are you ready?"

"I'll never be," you sighed as you closed the space between the two of you.

Cheers erupted in the crowd. You pulled away from him. There was a genuine smile on his face, but it quickly fell away when you spoke.

"Don't expect me to be anything other than hostile to you," you murmured in his ear before the reception began, leaving him with a sad look on his face.

This was never going to work out.

**One Year Later**

Sunlight dripped through your curtains, waking you up from your deep sleep. Your arm was stretched out across the bed, which was still slightly warm. You and Newt had been sleeping together ever since your mother found out that you were sleeping in different rooms. (However, you did put a pillow between the two of you). You first detested it, but now it felt almost... nice. Although you were never willing to admit it.

Your bones popped as you got out of the bed and stretched. You were about to open the door when the knob turned, opening to show a confused Newt.

"Oh... I thought you were still asleep," he muttered, blushing.

"I'm obviously not," you replied, walking past him to go to the kitchen.

You heard him sigh behind you, and suddenly he had gripped onto your arm, a dejected look in his eyes. "Why are you so mean to me?" he whispered. "I just want you to be happy, and if you hate me that much... then I'll leave." Newt let go of your arm, and started to walk away, his shoulders slumped.

You realized you had made a big mistake. "Wait!" you called out, Newt turning around.

You realized it wasn't the fact that you hated Newt, it was the fact you were mad for being forced into a marriage. But you did love Newt, it just took you a bit to realize it. You took out your anger for being forced to marry on him, which you know wasn't right. You would have liked it much better though if you had the option to marry the person you wanted by your side forever rather than being forced to marry a random person.

But now you realized Newt was that person you wanted by your side. Forever.

"Newt... oh Newt, I'm so, so sorry for the way I've treated you," you said, holding both his hands in yours and looking right into his tear-filled sea green eyes. "I took out my anger for being forced to marry on you, which I never ever should have done. I know now that you're the person I want by my side forever. An intelligent, sweet, charming, and handsome man. I know I've treated you like dirt from the beginning... but now I want a fresh start. If you want to leave... I understand... but please... maybe give me another chance...?"

A bright smile shined on his face, and he tucked a strand of loose hair behind your ear. "Of course I do, love. It wasn't your decision whether you married me or not."

You leaned in and kissed him. It was the kiss you had always wanted with Newt, a passionate, romantic, and sweet kiss. When you pulled away you rested your forehead on Newt's.

"I'm so sorry for everything I've done to you... the truth is... I-I love you, Newton Artemis Fido Scamander."

He smiled. "I love you too."

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