Dating Newt Scamander Would Include...

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Warning: I'm 80% sure these suck

- Him being the little spoon

- You being the little spoon when Newt needs a 'teddy bear'

- Newt being a surprisingly good cook

- You becoming the fathers to Newt's creatures because he had already deemed himself the mummy

- You teasing Newt for it

- Newt's older brother Theseus flirting with you and making Newt insecure

- You French kissing Newt and letting him know he's the only man for you

- Your parents being a bit concerned with all the creatures at first

- But soon see how much you and Newt love each other

- Them treating Newt like a son

- Newt's parents being thrilled their son had found someone

- Them being two of the nicest people you have ever met

- Baby pictures and funny stories of little Newt

- "Aww you were so cute!"

- "Am I not cute anymore???" (He was genuinely concerned)

- "More like sexy."

- That really turning Newt on

- Newt having a habit of hugging you from behind when you're in the middle of doing something

- "Newwwt! My bottle of ink!"

- "The glass!"

- "Ouch! I burned myself on the stove!"

- "My book!"

- But you secretly love it when he does that

- You two spending hours cuddling and enjoying each others company

- You stealing Newt's blue coat when you're cold

- One time you spent an hour staring at Newt trying to determine if his eyes were blue or green

- "What on Earth are you doing?"

- "Trying to figure out if your eyes are sea foam green or cerulean."

- "..."

- You having Newt read new parts of his book to you in bed every night


- You and Newt honestly being the cutest couple in New York

- Newt growing really fond of the feeling of you running your fingers through his hair

- Newt taking you on all his trips with him because one time he left without you and realized that he literally couldn't survive without you

- Newt giving you forehead kisses

- Even if you're just passing each other in a hallway

- Having to levitate Newt out of the case when he falls asleep down there

- The Niffler occasionally escaping from the case and trying to snuggle in bed with you both

- Newt getting protective

- "You little bugger! Have to take everything golden from me, don't you?"

- Blushing when he calls you 'golden'

- Hugs can last anywhere from five seconds to five minutes

- Asking Newt why you can't have a dog but can have potentially lethal beasts in the house

- "Dogs are a lot of work."

- "Newt." *points around to all the creatures and beasts*

- "Oh. Uh."

- Newt eventually giving in and lets you get a dog

- You name him Jacob

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