Occamy Incident

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          You were helping Newt feed all of his creatures and beasts their dinner, it was getting hard for him to feed every single one of them and then get a decent amount of sleep at night. You swear that man would be so busy with making sure all of his creatures were fed that he would nearly forget to feed himself. You had just finished feeding the Mooncalves and Graphorns.

"Y/N, could you please go feed the Occamies while I take care of Frank?" he asked, handing you a bucket filled with what looked like a magical seed mixture.

"Yes!" You took the bucket from him and made your way over to the Occamy nest. The Occamys' squawking got louder as you approached them when they noticed the bucket in your hand. "Alright, alright calm down," you said to them. "Look, I know I'm not your mummy but I'm here to feed you." You reached into the bucket and tossed some of the seed into their nest, which they launched for immediately and started gobbling it down.

When the bucket was empty and you were about to go back to Newt, you noticed one of the new baby Occamy's wings didn't look quite right. It was bent at an awkward angle, and it couldn't move around straight. So, you were going to take the bucket and the Occamy to Newt. You bent down and gently picked up the Occamy in both hands. You cradled it in one arm as you reached over to grab the bucket. As you did so, you accidentally brushed the Occamy's feathers. It squawked loudly and nipped at your arm.

"Ouch!" you exclaimed in surprise. You examined the bite, and it was nothing major. It was bleeding just a little and it clotted quickly. The bite was probably a quarter of an inch long. You shrugged it off, and as you were about to turn around and go back to Newt, you realized he had just walked right behind you.

"Oh! Hi, Newt, I finished feeding the Occamies and it looks li–." He cut you off.

"Y/N! That bite on your arm! What happened???" he started freaking out and grabbed your arm, making you drop the bucket out of surprise. (Thankfully, you did not drop the Occamy). He started examining your arm crazily. "What did you do?" he asked, sounding angry.

"I was ju–!" he cut you off again.

"You just what Y/N? I clearly see now that you cannot handle my creatures safely nor properly!" he started yelling, which was completely unlike Newt.

"No! It wasn't like that at all, Newt! Please let me explain–!"

"Explain what, Y/N? Now give me the Occamy and I'll take care of it," he reached out to take the Occamy, but the Occamy hissed at Newt. Almost like it was protecting you...

"Fantastic," Newt said sarcastically. "Now you've made him think you're his mummy."

"Newt, stop talking for one goddamn second," you said as tears threatened to spill from your eyes; but you didn't let them fall. "I picked up this Occamy because one of its wing looks broken. I was going to grab the bucket with the feed in it and as I did, my arm accidentally brushed the Occamy's feathers. Which, on instinct, caused it to bite me. I'm sorry if you think I screwed up. H-here, just take the Occamy and I'll... I'll be on my way," you spoke, your voice breaking.

You set the Occamy on the ground. (Which took a little bit of coaxing since it didn't look like it wanted you to leave that easily). As you stood up to leave, Newt stopped you and suddenly pulled you into a tight hug.

"I'm so, so, so sorry, Y/N," he said. "I-I don't know what came over me. I should have listened to you in the first place," he paused, a barely audible sob came from the back of his throat. "Pleaseforgive me, Y/N. I don't know how... I don't know how I could live without you..."

You rubbed soothing circles on his back. "It's okay, Newt. But sometimes you have to control yourself a bit more. I know it can be hard, believe me. I can be one of the worst people when it comes to apologies and emotion. And Newt, I would never leave you. We need each other like the sun needs the moon. I do accept your apology, Newton. It was a mistake, and we all make them. Big or small." You let him have a moment to process everything you just said. A few moments later you pulled away from the hug and kissed both of his cheeks. The Occamy on the ground made a little chirping noise when you did that, causing you to giggle. You bent down and picked up the Occamy with both hands, being careful not to pet its feathers. "Now come on. Let's get this Occamy fixed up." Newt grinned and began to walk with you back to his workshop.

Newt Scamander OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon