Cloud Strife

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  When Cloud came home from another long day of delivering he was extremely relieved that he could just collapse on his nice, warm bed, and be away from the world for a few hours.

He trudged toward his room in Seventh Heaven, quickly tensing up when he noticed that his door was unlocked and cracked open a bit. One hand went to his back, grasping his sword and preparing to fight, and the other moved to the doorknob and pushed it, when he noticed a sweet scent in the kitchen area. Was that cake? The blond's eyebrows scrunched themselves together as his nose confirmed that he was indeed smelling cake coming from the kitchen. His grip on his sword faltered for a moment, but he braced himself once more, just to be safe. The small steps he took were almost silent. 

"Cloud Strife, don't you dare step foot in this kitchen," a voice called out. His entire form loosened up and relaxed when he recognized the voice as his girlfriend's. He chuckled lowly, shaking his head at (y/n)'s antics. "I swear to the powers that be, if you step into this kitchen, I just might hit you. I love you, but I will hit you."

Cloud rolled his eyes, but he complied with a small smile on his face. "You know I can smell it, right?"

A frustrated groan escaped the (h/c)-haired woman, and she wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand. She pulled a medium-sized Angel's Food cake from within the oven, sighing in relief when it came out perfectly baked. Okay, well maybe not perfect, she admitted to herself. But it's still better than the first one by a long shot. She set the dessert onto a small cooling rack on the dining room table. "I bet you thought I wouldn't find out what your birthday was, didn't you?"

A small smile made its way onto Cloud's face as he shook his head and chuckled once more, his blonde hair sweeping into his eyes. "I'm pretty impressed you managed it, I'll admit that." He pulled her into his chest lovingly, wrapping her in his arms and tugging at the strings of her apron. "But I think I'd like to see my beautiful girlfriend without an apron while this gorgeous birthday cake cools off." He gently lifted the item of clothing from around her neck, tossing it. He pulled her into yet another warm embrace and placed a sweet kiss upon her head. "I don't think anybody would think you for an assassin. You're too much of a nerd."

A quiet laugh sounded from the young woman, and she smiled up at her boyfriend. "That's why I was so perfect for the job, babe." She directed an innocent-looking face toward Cloud, and he was reminded of when they'd first met. "You'd never expect a sweet, sweet little geek to have such an awful job." She kissed his jaw happily and wrapped her arms around his neck. "But then a certain man saved me and turned me good." She nuzzled her nose into his affectionately. 

He kissed her softly, leaning his forehead against hers. "You're lucky you were too cute for me to take out."

(y/n)'s eyebrows raised close to her hairline and she leaned back. "You know, that's not how I remember our first run-in. I'm pretty sure I had you tied to a chair with about seven guns trained on your skull." She smiled sweetly at him and kissed him. "I think you got things a little backwards, Cloudy."

He groaned at the nickname, pecking her lips anyway. "You're a handful, you know that?"

A bright smile graced the woman's face. "That's why you've got two hands."

Sry for any spelling mistakes, hope you guys enjoy

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