Bofur #3 (One-Shot)

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(I am back ladies and I have a few requests people have sent me so just sit back and enjoy! This is for Amelia!)

~Third Person POV~

Erebor is reclaimed! The dwarves of the Blue Mountains have come home to the Lonely Mountain and Princess Dis reunites with her sons and brother. King Thorin Oakenshield is King Under the Mountain and all is well. The only dwarf who isn't happy...

Is Bofur.

Two months since the dragon, Smaug was slain. Two months since the Battle of The Five Armies was won. Two months since the Company of Thorin Oakenshield has ended. And two months since Bofur had laid eyes on her chestnut hair flowing down her shoulders and her green eyes piercing his heart with love.

She couldn't stay with him. As much as she wanted to, her home was the Shire. The Shire was her kingdom. Her neighbors were her loyal subjects. Her donkeys were her noble steeds and the royal inn was her feast. But she was far away from him. Far away from her knight in shining armor. Each night, Bofur can hear her laughter and her cries in his dreams and nightmares. When he would wake, his hand would reach over to his bedside and come up empty, his fingers aching to brush through her hair and caress her soft skin. The goofy dwarf with the stuck-up braids for a beard was no longer his jolly self, and his brother Bombur and his cousin Bifur noticed. They couldn't see why a dwarf's love of gold was nothing compared to what Bofur felt for her, it was unnatural. Bofur tries to smile every once in a while when there's a grand feast with music and wine. He would try to be his reckless self and he would sing and dance with his kin, but then he would continue to look at the door, seeing if she would show but then remembered she was gone. He had changed in features too. His hat was gone for he gave it to her to remember him by. He remembered the day she left when he gave it to her, the big hat would fall past her eyes and they would laugh together.

"Boy, I wonder if my head will get bigger by the next time we meet." She had joked.

But they both knew, deep down...

There is no next time.

Bofur's rosy cheeks have turned white since she's left. His blush had vanished along with her grin, her jokes and teasing accent when she made fun of him or said a dirty comment was the only thing that made him blush.

He tossed and turned in bed before falling asleep, each day he would countdown.

Three months.

Four months.

Five months.

Until finally, it has almost been a year since her departure with Bilbo and Gandalf. The thought of her moving on and loving someone else made Bofur's chest feel light and his stomach queasy.

Finally, he had enough suffering.

He had packed his bags and said farewell to his brother, cousin, king, and the rest of the company, before setting out on his pony, Daisy. He traveled to Mirkwood first to ask the Elf King for help. Thranduil, now with a change of heart since the dragon's passing, instructed Bofur to stay on the path that could lead him to Rivendell. Bofur went along fine for three months before reaching Rivendell's gates. There, Lord Elrond gladly helped him, even though he despised him for the scenes he made the last time he and the Company of Thorin Oakenshield visited. With Bofur alone, he was quiet and polite, for that reason he stayed for three more nights. Lord Elrond then gave him a map that would lead him to Bree, and then onto the Shire. Another week passed, Bofur had his fill of ale and bread from Bree and moved on through the rough rain, heading East. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Bofur recognized the rolling hills and the scent of flowers in the air. He could see houses built under those hills from a distance and he could hear pigs oinking, hobbits laughing, and bees buzzing. Bofur tied his pony to a nearby tree and fed her a carrot, promising that he will be back for her. He runs off, jumping over fences and sprinting through dirt roads, leaving a cloud of dust behind. He winds through wagons crossing by and runs through winding roads until he finally found the place. The mark Gandalf made years ago was still etched into the rounded, wooden door. Bilbo had kept it there in memory of his journey, he never painted that door ever again. Bofur knew she would be living with Bilbo because they were considered family and she wanted to stay close to her hobbit friend, because he was the only thing that reminded her of Bofur and their adventures, besides Bofur's hat that she wore all the time. Today, she didn't wear it. She had given up hope. Her lovely, bright days have turned sour and grey. His hazel eyes and braided beard would cloud her vision and she would grow weary just from it.

Today, she was on Bilbo's front porch, her back turned towards Bofur. She was stringing up laundry on a line, letting them dry out in the air and heated sun. Her hair was braided, the way Bofur taught her, and she had his hat sitting on the bench next to her, planted in the lawn. Bofur's heart began to flutter. He was so close. Yet too far. He HAD to get closer. He walked slowly towards her, his feet felt heavy as his eyes never left her back, watching her hair drift in the wind. She was unaware of him, her daydreams of dragons and gold usually blocked out all her senses and she couldn't confirm what was going on around her. The breeze brushed past her shoulders and towards Bofur, his nose took a long whiff as her wonderful scent filled his nostrils. Soon, he was only a solid three feet away, the only thing separating the two of them was the fence. Her back still faced him as she bent down and scooped up a damp shirt, pinning it to the cloth line. Bofur's throat felt swollen, he was at a loss for words and he couldn't trust his voice, tears welling up in his eyes. He had to try.


She whipped around, startled. She thought she was dreaming at the sound of his voice. But the brown eyes, rounded cheeks, and stuck-up braids proved her wrong. For the first time in a year, she wasn't dreaming. She had dropped the pair of pants she was holding at the sound of his thick accent saying her name. Her hands drew back to her mouth, suppressing a scream. Tears brimmed in her eyes as she stared, in complete denial, he was in front of her. Her throat clogged up and she was scared to talk, afraid her voice would come out in a squeak. She swallowed.


Slowly, he smiled. The color returned to his cheeks and one single tear slipped from his eye.

"Hey lassie," he spoke softly.

Before she could contain herself, Amelia threw herself over the fence and into Bofur's opened arms. He grabbed her waist and brought her close to him, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck. They pulled each other closer and closer together until there was no space between and it was impossible to get closer. Amelia cried and cried as she kissed his nose, cheeks, forehead, and lips over and over again, making him laugh. Her fits of cries soon turned into tearful laughs of joy, his arms wrapped tightly and protectively around her. He was squeezing in the tightest grip, not caring if she was fragile for he was afraid he would wake up and she suddenly wouldn't be there. He felt her heartbeat beating fast against his chest, keeping pace with his own heart. The couple stood there for what seemed to be hours, and they still couldn't believe that this was real. Amelia placed her head against his chest, feeling his heartbeat through his shirt and she silently cried.

"Shhh. It's alright my flower. I'm here...I'm here." Bofur soothed.

She smiled at those words and pulled away slightly, her irregular breathing as she cried continued and Bofur reached up to wipe the tears away, their noses inches apart.

"I'm here." He whispered again.

He didn't hesitate to do what he was waiting to do for a long time. He leaned down as fast as lightning and smashed his lips against her's. The tears have made her lips wet and soft, but warm and welcoming. She immediately kissed back, not caring if her lungs were begging for air. The two of them leaned back and she was pinned against the fence railing, the kiss rough but passionate and full of love.

Amelia reached over the fence during the kiss and felt the fabric of what she was looking for and took it off the bench. She kept it hidden behind her back as their lips parted, gasping for air. Their breathing was in quick pants, the two of them close enough to share the same air. She stared up into his intense but kind eyes and she suddenly smirked, memories of her grin played over and over in Bofur's mind.

Before another word was spoken, Amelia took something from behind her back and placed it on Bofur's head, his eyes widen as he realized what it was.

It was his hat! He then laughed merrily, not believing this to be real. He gave his lover Eskimo kisses over and over, making Amelia giggle.

"Thanks. I was wondering when you'd give it back." Bofur teased.

Amelia sadly smiled and touched her forehead with his. "Just never leave me again and you won't lose it."

"Never," Bofur whispered.

And he meant it this time. He wasn't going anywhere.

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