Strong Bonds

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"I can't believe I got into this mess... my life was so normal just a few weeks ago! Now look at it now! It's a wreck!"

Story about a girl who only wanted to live a life normally, yet faith disagree with her desires and set her  up with a life she never imagined could happen to her!

Characters: (There are some other characters... but you'll just have to read the story to know them :P)

Name: Mary West

Height: 5 flat

Birthday: February 29

Likes: Sweets, being independent, her pride, being fair, cute things.

Dislikes: to be out-witted, noise, spicy things, paper works, her pride being crushed, being teased, school, liars.

Motto: Life's short Live it.

Name: Dean Smith

Height: 5.9

Birthday: December 25

Likes: Sports, Music, anything edible, being fair.

Dislikes: Seeing people being picked on, someone else being with his bestfriend.

Motto: Fairness is Goodness

Name: Jim Smith

Height: 5.8

Birthday: September 23

Likes: Books, challenges, trying on new stuff.

Dislikes: being bored, people who do bad things.

Motto: You on't twice, so take the chance

Name: Caroline Jade

Height: 5.2

Birthday: November 2

Likes: getting what she wants, being the center of attention, power.

Dislikes: not getting what she wants, others taking what she wants.

Motto: Power is everything.


Be easy on me guys... :D I new at this, not the whole story making thing... I've been making stories since 1st year of highschool, but I never showed my stories to others except my friends. Haha :))) anyways... enjoy!

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