Royal twenty-one

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I quickly pulled away, completely blushing madly. Holy shit he's fucking real! Not an illusion or some crazy imagination shit that I thought he was! And he kissed me– for the third time!

"Did that seem fake to you?" He asked smugly with eye brows raised. I didn't reply and looked down to my toes, feeling my body tensing up.

Don't talk Jimin, don't talk.

"Silent treatment huh? I get it. And just earlier you were just saying stuffs against me."

Don't you dare speak Park Jimin! Don't speak, Don't speak, Don't speak!

I heard him chuckle, "So you casually day dream of me once in a while or–?"

"No! The hell? –Oh shit!" I slapped my mouth shut once I realized I spoke out of reflex.

"There's my Minnie." He grinned before reaching out for my hand and intertwining them with his. I didn't dare to look at his face most especially not right at that moment. "Jimin look at me."

"No." I said sternly. But I felt a soft grip under my chin, forcing me to gaze at him.

"I said look at me, don't hide your beautiful face." He caressed my skin with a smile on his face. Stop beating so fast heart! Min Yoongi, What are you doing to me?! Ugh!

"I'll fix this I swear. Please trust me, just this once. Alright?"

"I hate you..." I muttered loud enough for him to hear. He gave me a small laugh before bending down to kiss my forehead. "No you don't. I'm sure of that."

"I hate you princey."

"Stop saying that Jimin." He sighed and lets go of me abruptly. He took off his coat and scarf without a word, along with his beanie and mittens. He carefully placed his coat around me, and the scarf on my neck. He softly wore the dark blue beanie over my head and the mittens on my numbing hands. He smiled at me delicately. "Are you warm now?" He asked while patting my clothed head.

I nodded my head.


"How about you?" I quietly utter, not intending for him to hear but he did nonetheless.

"I'll be fine, now go inside or you'll get sick." He ordered to which I took as a cue to finally leave. When I turned to look at him, he gestured his other hand for me to enter inside and the other tucked inside the pocket of his hoodie.

Reaching for the door, I gave him one last glance as he waved his hands goodbye while smiling and threw the hood over his head, finally walking away. I closed the door silently as possible and rested my back on the door with a wide grin on my face for whatever reason.

I inhaled his scent coming out from the scarf, it was so... sweet. Why did I never noticed his smell before? I smiled slightly and a giddy shriek came out from my mouth like I was fangirling about her hot idol of some sort, good thing no one saw it. It was pretty embarrassing.

Why do I feel so calm now that he said those things to me? Why do I feel... assured? And why the frock did I just shriek like a girl?!

"Jimin? Are you okay? I heard you screaming."

I jolted up slightly from my place when mom entered the room. "Y-yes mom, I'm fine. Just... things happened is all."

"What happened? What were you doing outside at this hour?" She crossed her arms, lifting a brow at me skeptically.

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