Royal ten

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"Are you both warm?" I asked after turning the heater on. They both nodded and snuggled together in the couch, sharing a cozy blanket.

I smiled before opening the TV, the show We bare bears was playing. I figured it was good since Jihoon was a kid and cartoons ain't that bad. I quickly went beside them. Jihoon was snuggled on Jimin's chest.

I wrapped my arm around Jimin's shoulder, he didn't seem to mind so I just left it like that. My other hand holding Jihoon's waist, pulling them both closer to me. Jimin finally noticed this and looked at me, "This is just for today so I'll let you." He whispered not letting Jihoon hear.

I ruffled his hair and nodded my head, "Thank you Minnie."

We continued to watch the show. It was actually good to watch. Suddenly, I saw Jimin holding unto his forehead while groaning. I slowly push down his head to my shoulder. "Wha–"

"Shh, you're head hurts. Just lean on me okay?" He only bobbed his head in defeat. Not able to speak afterwards.

"Are you guys comfortable?" I asked once again. Jihoon smiled before nodding, a small yawn leaving his lips. I chuckled at his cute action, "Go to sleep Hoonie."

"Goodnight daddy, mommy." He closed his eyes and rested his head.

My heart pounded and I froze, not moving a muscle. He just called me daddy and he called Jimin his mommy. Ahhh! Why do I feel so happy right now?

"He's so cute." Jiminie cooed and pinched the youngest's nose.

"You're cuter Minnie." I uttered, playing with his hair. He lifted his head to face me, our faces only inches away.

"Princey?" He called out. I hummed in response. I saw him bite his lip before looking down. "I heard what you said to Jihoon at the ice cream shop."

He heard me? Great, just great. Now he knows how pathetic I am.

"Really now?"

"Mmm and I realized, you're really not that bad. At first I thought you were just like that, just another royal blood but you're not. You're... different," He added in a low and soft tone. "Also, thank you for this day, I really had a fun time today."

"No worries Minnie, you know how much you mean to me." His head snuggling into the crook of my neck.

"Yeah I know." He whispered a bit inaudible but I still managed to hear it. "You know, I don't actually hate you anymore. I'm starting to like you as a friend."

Ouch, friendzoned. But at least it's something right, one step closer to becoming my queen.

"That's very assuring." I smiled, rubbing his hair softly. Silence took over for a while until I patted his shoulder lightly.

"Come on, let's get you two to bed." I chuckled, lifting the sleeping kid into my arms. Jimin slowly following behind.

We ended up in my room again. I neatly placed Jihoon into my bed and brought the blankets to his body. Jiminie turned the heater on the room and slipped into the sheets, hugging Jihoonie. I also did the same and closed the lamp after.

"Wait, you don't actually mind sharing a bed with me?" I asked the boy.

He laughed slightly, "Of course I do, It's just that this palace is big and I'm not used to big places so I'd rather stay here."

Princey | YoonminNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ