Royal five

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"I have checked your works and I'm a bit disappointed." Lee sighed. "Most of you copy pasted articles on the internet and some had a lot of grammatical errors. What class am I even teaching at? Grade schoolers?"

The class groaned knowing that they had yet to expect another bad grade. I smirked, well not for me. "However, a tiny number of students actually made it cleverly. And of course, Jimin, our valedictorian was one of them."

All of them clapped happily. I bowed smiling in response. I turn to Yoongi and he grinned proudly while giving me a thumbs up.

"Also, our beloved prince, did a great job as well! It was so well-defined. In fact, he's got the highest score for this task. Congrats your highness!"

"Thank you professor!"

Soon, people erupted with cheers and claps. I sat there shocked, not believing what I just heard. I gave him a look but he only winked with a sly smirk on his lips. I cannot believe that this dumb-o out-smarted me! I can't! He didn't even know what history was!

"Alright, that's all for today. I'll see you around!"

When Lee exited, I glared at Yoongi. "Is this the important thing you were talking about yesterday? Did you go to the palace and bribed one of your royal squires to write the homework for you?"

"I'm hurt, seriously. Firstly, no this isn't the important thing I was speaking of. Second, I didn't bribe anyone to do anything. I don't even have money to bribe them from! And third, I did the homework by myself!"

I raised a brow. "Okay, I somewhat believe you. But the way you acted that night, you were so dumb– no offense– that I thought you can't even write a single phrase."

"Oh Minnie, what made you think that? There's only one reason and answer to all of this." He smiled and patted my head. That suspicious smile that made me realize my stupidness.

"You were faking it! Ha!" I shouted, pointing my finger in front of his face. "You were acting dumb to stay in my bed and to be close to me! Pretending to be an idiot so I will teach you!"

"You bet! There's my very smart and cute Minnie!"

I groaned, holding the bridge of my nose. "I should've known."

"Yeah, I am surprised you just realize it now. I'm stupid, but not that stupid Minnie," He scoffed. "I was only planning to copy your work because I was lazy. Do you really think I wouldn't know the word history?"

I stared at him deeply. "Uh... Yes."

"Wow thanks," He sarcastically replied. "And for the record, this school belongs to our family! Of course I would know the history of it! We have to study each and every history of our domain, it's like a tradition."

"You sly prick!" I hissed and punched his arm making him wince.

"Ow! That fucking hurt!"

"And I'll do it again if I want to!" I threatened, lifting my fist in the air. He shielded himself with his two hands. Pleading for forgiveness. "I'm sorry okay?! I mean, it's the very first time I had fun with someone while learning. You're just... I don't know, very special to me Minnie."

I sighed and rubbed my temples. "Alright, I forgive you— but promise me it won't happen again!"

"Yes, I swear!"

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