Lots of Things Malik! :3 Wallball Romance!!!

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A/N I will update Fridays Saturdays and/or Sundays. But if I don't update on those days, I will update next week. So dont worry! XD

'~Now for The Story~'

Malik got back from the hospital. He said... he said.. (cries) that he couldn't play tag anymore cuz he broke his leg! (Cries) I couldn't blame him though, he DID break his leg... but.. (cries)

A few weeks later, (XD)I got it back together,he got his cast off GREAT! Now It was time for Math GREAT AGAIN, UGH I hate math I said. While the teacher was teaching, I doodled on my fingernails, making them blue. After Math it was Recess. Me and Malik talked about WTF he was playing. He said he was playing "wallball." Unfortornately I had no idea what that was, so I asked. He said he would teach me, so I said ok.

I was having lots of trouble with wallball so I kept complaining on how I couldn't do it, so he was trying to get me to hit the ball a certain way. I said I can't do it, so he pulled back my long sleeve jacket I always wear, and showed my hands. What messed up the moment is that my hands were BLUE! SHIT I thought. I blushed hard and and pulled my sleeves back quick.

I was thinking on how to repay him for making my heart beat so fast. I figured out a way to so when he was trying to mess with my hair, I put my hands on his, and kept it there. I was blushing, but it was easy because I wasn't looking at him.

Now, it was his turn.

Malik repayed his debt (xD) by standing real close to me. You guys might be like O-o but, he was SO close. I mean like.. jeez. I was blushing so hard. The next day, the love sequinces just stopped. It was alight. I figured I didn't like Andrew any more, so yeah.

By guys! Don't get eaten by a butterfly!

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