First Kiss

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Dedicated to: juliannefry


“Well will you look at that. Stunning. Just absolutely stunning.” Harry peeked through the hotel bathroom door to tease me. As soon as Niall and I had finished eating at Nandos, we rushed back to the hotel so we could relax and let our food baby rest and fall. Niall, Harry, Eleanor and I were the only ones here, for the rest of the group had gone out. They didn’t say where, I just imagined they were doing something either fun or stupid.

“Why thank you Hazza.” Eleanor said with a smile that could melt the entire North Pole.  She was currently doing my hair into curly waves for the night. She was also wearing basketball shorts and a tank top that still managed to make her look beautiful in every way. 

“I was talking to Ellie.” He stated. Eleanor placed her hand in her chest to express sadness.

“Are you calling me ugly, Harry Styles?” She pouted.

“No, you’re not ugly.” He abruptly replied.

“Are you still mad at me?” She asked. I looked over to see Harry, his eyebrows furrowed.

“No.” He simply responded.

“Lies! You’re still upset about the other night aren’t you?” She asked as she let go of one of my curls so that it fell on my shoulder.

“No.” He repeated. By now, he was standing on the door, his arms folded across his chest and his feet crossed. If I wasn’t into Zayn so much, I would say that he looked like a model, but then again, all of the boys of One Direction did. 

“Don’t lie to me. I already apologized. I didn’t know you and Louis had plans.” She stated.

I kept looking at both of the figures in front of me until I couldn’t hold it anymore.

“Why? What happened?” I asked eagerly.

“Harry is upset because two nights ago Louis cancelled some plans they had made together when I asked him to go to dinner with me. He’s been mad at me since.” She sighed and rolled her eyes.

“Boys.” She added.

“Hazza, get over it.” I laughed.

“No! She already took Louis away from me, now she’s taking the time we spend together away too!” He sulked.

“Oh, seriously? You guys spend more time together than anyone in the world. Stop being such a baby about it and just set up another night.” I commented.

“No! It’s not the same.” Harry murmured.

“I’m sorry! I already apologized.” Eleanor said. I could tell she was concentrating more on my hair than the conversation because it was a lost cause.

“Harry Styles. You better stop being such a weenie and make up. Both of you.” I added.

“YEAH!” Niall yelled from the bedroom.

“Shut up!” Harry yelled back at him. “I won’t apologize.”

“Seriously Hazza, you have such a man crush.” I chuckled.

“Do not! He’s my best mate!” He grouched.

“If you don’t apologize I’m telling you’re followers on twitter that you sleep with Spongebob Squarepants boxers. All three million of them.” I threatened.

Eleanor giggled.

“They’ll probably like it.” He explained with a smile.

He was right, they would like it.

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