『Chapter Eighteen』

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Standing your ground next to these women. German women. Giant. German. Women. They were huge! You looked so small compared to them, shorter, thinner, less bulky... they were so intimidating! But! You had to do it! You were the wife of Germany! You were Berlin! Though. It was a secret. No one could know who you really were. You were simply (Y/N) Beilschmidt. Normal people didn't know his real name... so it didn't matter if they knew that... you had to pretend you didn't know him though. That was the hardest part...

Every day you saw him. He walked the ranks of the men and women who were in boot camp alongside your commanding officer. Oh, but your commanding officer knew who you were... and she hated it. Her booming voice filled your ears and everyone in your platoon straightened out before her... You have been here for two months now. 1 month to go before the world will know the new Berlin. "Beilschmidt! Fall out!" She commanded.

Nervously you spun on your toes and marched up to her with a salute. "Ja ma'am!" "Follow me." She said turning on her heel and walking. You did as you were told and followed her into the main building, down the hall, and in front of... 'Ludwig's office?' You thought in surprise.

She knocked in an odd pattern on the door "Eingeben!" (Enter) Ludwig's voice came from the other side. She opened the door, walked in and you followed. Ludwig was standing with his back to the two of you looking out the window. "Vell liebling. You have vone months left of boot camp. Und at ze end of ze month you vill be presented as Berlin." He turned to you with a sad-looking smile. "If you vant out of zis. Say it now." "Out of it? Out of what? Being Berlin? Being in the military?" "Ja. Being a country can be hard, und even as a city, it's hard. If you feel like you can't do-" "I want to!" You shouted cutting him off. " I want to be Berlin! I am your wife and I will be by your side no matter what!" "Commander, can you leave us for a moment?" Ludwig asked.

She nodded saluted and turned to leave the room shutting the door behind her. Once he was sure she was gone he stepped around from his desk and locked the door. "You can relax, vhen you are in here vith me you don't have to be so proper." Your shoulders relaxed. "I've missed you so much, Ludwig." "I've missed you too libeling." He said as he brought you into a big hug.

You held on tightly. two months of seeing him every once in a while but never having any physical contact was hard. You inhaled his scent. Felt his warm body. His muscles... oh... those muscles... "Ludwig.." You whispered... You didn't have to say anymore... he understood what you were thinking... and he was thinking the same. Soon you found yourself lifted off the floor wrapping your legs around his waist. He used one arm to hold you up and the other was used to clear off his desk making everything crash to the floor.

You let out a moan as Ludwig slammed you on the desk. "Shh be quiet, you von't vant anyone to hear you." You bit your lip holding back another moan as his hand trailed up your leg. "It's been a vhile. Und you look so gut in zis military uniform."

[Time Skip]

And when the day came... for graduation from boot camp. You held your head high and stood your rank. All eyes were on you and your platoon. Ludwig marched forward and pinned your new ranking metals on your uniform. "Today, you are Berlin. Und next veek, ve vill be at var. I hope you're ready." "I am ready. I'm ready to help lead this country, by your side." You stepped forward standing next to him. All the other women just stared. Shocked to see you... next to Germany.

You didn't feel any different. Though everyone was looking at you differently. 'Can this day be over yet?' You thought as you walked next to Ludwig to the front of everyone. Oh yes, Feli and Kiku were there. Dressed in their military uniforms and standing proudly. "Veee~ congratulations Berlin!" Feli smiled happily. Kiku shook your hand. "Yes, congratulations." "Thanks, guys. But you don't have to call me Berlin when it's just us together." You smiled. "Vee~ I think we should-a go celebrate!" "Ja." Ludwig nodded.

"Zat sounds like a gut idea." "Don't we have more to do here?" You asked. "Nein, ze rest of ze graduates vill get zere medals and pins und zen go vith zier families. Zere isn't anyzing else for us to do here." "I want to pin their pins." You said bluntly. "I spent three months with these girls, and I should be the one to do it." "Very vell." Ludwig nodded. He left and came back with the box that held all the medals and pins for the other women. "Here you are." You took the box and marched right up to the girls, very big girls... who stood in their ranks. And one by one you pinned their medals on their uniforms. And one by one you shook their hands. "I may be Berlin, but we are still sisters. Thanks for looking after me the last few months." "Being ze vife of Germany is a big responsibility, Mrs. Berlin. But ve are all here for you." "I'm inviting all of you to celebrate with us." You smiled.

[Mini-Time Skip]

"PLEASE HELP ME GERMANY! THESE WOMEN ARE SCARY!" Kiku shouted as he was smashed between two drunken girls from your squad. "Veee~ I-a don't mind them~" Feli put on a brave smile as one girl smashed his face into her chest. "It's ok little guy, I vill take care of you tonight." You and Ludwig chuckled. "This is good Ludwig." "You never cease to amaze me." "What? How?" You smiled. "You just get high off of life. As I vatched you for ze last zree moths I've seen you run vith a smile, march with a high chin, und you looked just like your father... he vould be proud." "Yeah, I can't wait to see him. Ich Liebe Dich." "Ich Liebe Dich Auch (Y/N)." "ZE AWESOME PRUSSIA IS HERE!!! NOW ZE REAL PARTY CAN BEGIN!!!!" "Dummkopf."


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𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | Germany x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now