『Chapter Sixteen』

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"Luddy? Why are we working out when we are on our honeymoon?" He stopped his push up "You're not vorking out." He chuckled. "You're sitting on mien back vhile I do push-ups." "Yeah, but watching you work out is a workout all in its self~" You whispered in his ear as you felt up his bare muscular back. "Ve have plans to go sightseeing today remember?" He said returning to his push-ups. "Yeah, I remember..." You grumbled and crossed your arms over your chest.

Ludwig chuckled again and in an instant, you were below him. You stared up at him wide-eyed, you were expecting him to flip you over like that, so it was quite a shock. "Vhat? I'm just doing push-ups." He smirked and continued to do the push-up with you below him. He was sweaty, his hair tossed around, and his muscles moved as he pushed his body above you. You bit your lower lip.

But Ludwig had a new plan for the day in mind. Oh, but he was still going to see some sights. He switched up his push up to sit-ups. Bringing you on top of him in his lap as he did. He smirked as he placed his hands behind his head and began the sit-ups. His chest was practically in your face as he sat up. You let a smirk grow across your own face when you realized what he was doing. "Oh, Ludwig you naughty boy~" You said standing from his lap.

He waited patiently for your return. It took you a few minutes but once you came back his eyes widened, and his face flushed. "Now Ludvig, I zought you vanted to have some fun ja?" You said in a German accent. He could only nod as he stared at you in the all too familiar back leather corset, boots, riding crop in hand, military hat, and his Iron cross above your breasts. "Gut, now let's begin." You smirked.

[Time Skip]

It wasn't until the next day that you and Ludwig went sightseeing. The day was full of laughter, picture taking, and exploring. You actually got Ludwig to take a selfie with you AND he was smiling! "Ludwig this is the best!" You exclaimed wrapping your arms around him. "Ja! It really is!" He said happily holding you close.

You were so happy, married to the man you loved. He was strong, handsome, smart, caring, even though he had a hard time showing it. He was simply perfect to you. It was the same for him about you as well. He loved you so much that no matter what he would be right there at your side. "Come on we should get some dinner." You smiled as he nodded and together the two of you walked happily to a small corner Italian diner. "What-a can I do-a for you-a two lovebirds today!?" A happy waiter said coming to your table.

You giggled as Ludwig raised an eyebrow. "Italy vhat are you doing?" He asked. "I don't-a know what-a you're-a talking about! I am just a waiter!" He said as he began to shake with nervousness. Ludwig sighed. "Italy, have you been following us around all day?" "YES!" He cracked. "I couldn't-a help it! You-a guys make-a me so happy! Veee~ I had to-a share the moments with you, even if it-a was from afar!"

"You're sweet Feliciano." You smiled. "Are you still going to be our waiter?" "No.... I-a should return this-a uniform to the real waiter..." He said smiling "I-a stole it from him when I saw you-a head this way." Ludwig facepalmed. "Ja, just to give it back." "Veee~ " Italy ran off with his arms flailing behind him. The two of you chuckled together. "Ludwig, I love you.." "Ich Liebe Dich Auch (Y/N)."

[Time Skip]

For the next week, you stayed in Italy on your honeymoon. Life felt amazing now. Even when you returned home to Germany life was still amazing. You had an amazing husband, and two, or three if you really wanted to count Gilbert, amazing friends with you always. One night, the phone rang waking you and Ludwig both from a dead sleep. "Hello?" Ludwig answered a bit annoyed. "Oh? It's for you, Liebe..." He said handing you the phone.

You took it confused, but answered "Yes? This is (Y/N)." "Dude, I'm sorry, but, your father was shipped off to war... he's leading a battalion right now in the middle east. I tried to stop it but, they didn't listen to me (Y/N). I'm sorry, I thought you should know right away. I'm sure he'll be fine." Alfred said as your eyes widened in shock. "He was supposed to be retiring! What happened?" You shouted startling Ludwig a bit.

"I don't know (Y/N), all I know is where he is and that he's going to be there for a long time..." Alfred said. "I'm sorry." After you hung up the phone with a shaky hand Ludwig turned to you with a worried expression. "Liebe? Vhat's ze matter?" Happy days don't last forever... In fact, they can come and go faster than someone can salute and say. "SIR YES SIR!"


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𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | Germany x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now