『Chapter Nineteen』|〖FINAL〗

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You were becoming impatient with Ludwig. Any time you asked about your father or the American troops he gave you some half-assed answer on why you couldn't go. Frustrated with him you kept your distance and only tended to the German women who you commanded. "Berlin!" One woman shouted as she raced to you, stopping before you to stand at attention and salute. "Ja? What is it?" You asked sternly. "A phone call. For you." "At ease. Danke." You said making your way to the communication tent. You picked up the bulk military field phone. "Hello?" "Dude! (Y/N)! What's the haps?" You rolled your eyes. "Hello, Mr. America. What can I do for you?" "Sheesh, no need to be so formal. I was just calling to let you know that I talked to Germany and he said that the only way for you to see your dad is if we come to you."

"Is that so? Then I suppose that wouldn't be a problem." You said with a sigh of relief. "Sweet! We will leave tomorrow and be there in a few days! So be ready!" "I will be." You smiled. "Danke, Alfred.." You hung up the phone and turned to the other women in the tent with a smile. "Well, in a few days we will have some visitors, I want this place in tip-top shape!"

[Mini-Time Skip]

"America... don't do this..." "I can't help it General... he's too strong..." "Fight it! You're putting us all in danger! Including (Y/N)!" "Don't you think I know that!? Of course, I know that they are in danger!" "Calm down Alfred..." "SHUT UP ALLEN!"

[Mini-Time Skip]

"Ludwig.." You said quietly. It was late and only your night patrols were up. "Ja?" "Are you mad at me?" "Of course not. I should be ze vone to ask zat." He looked over at you with a smile. "Well, I'm not mad at you either." You smiled, and he wrapped an arm around you. "You know..." He said with a smirk. "Zere is a perfect little place in the back of ze armory tent." "Oh? Perfect for what?" You asked innocently.

Ludwig took you by the wrist and the two of you snuck to the armory. He took you to the back behind some crates of ammunition and extra weapons. "You know, vhenever I hear you command your troops I can't help but get excited." He whispered in your ear. "No, you're just a pervert." You smirked before he pinned you to one of the crates and attacked you.

[Another Mini-Time Skip]

The morning of your father's arrival you inspected your women, as Ludwig did to his men. You couldn't have asked for better troops, male and female. They were amazing, Ludwig sure knew how to run a strong military.

You could hear jeeps and hummers in the distance signaling the arrival of American and his selected troops, including your father. The vehicles approached and stopped short of the entrance of the camp, but what was truly odd was that America had brought way too many troops with him, he had an entire battalion with him. "Yo! Germany! Berlin! Long time no see!" America greeted as he jumped from his hummer.

You and Ludwig approached him with caution. "Ja, America. Long time." Ludwig said. The other American troops stayed in a tight formation in the back, but your father pushed his way to the front. "Dad.." You said too excited to keep your composer. You raced up to him and hugged him tightly.

He returned the embrace, but it was a bit tighter. "I've missed you." He said. And you could feel something being slipped into your pocket. He gave you a look to stay quiet and kissed your head. "Alright! So, when does the party start!?" America jumped in slinging his arm around your father. Your dad peeled America's arm off of him and sighed. "I'm sure Germany and Berlin weren't really looking for a party, Mr. America." "Let the troops be at ease and then maybe we might consider a party, but for now. Let's just be casual for a moment. Oh, and if any of your men try anything funny with any of my girls, I am not responsible for the loss of life, or genitalia." You smiled.

Ludwig chuckled a bit as he shook your fathers' hand, but he found it odd that there was now a piece of paper in his hand that wasn't there before. Your father had secretly placed it in Ludwig's hand. Ludwig became tense, but he didn't show it. "She has been asking for quite some time for zis." Ludwig said with a smile. "As have I." Your father smiled.

As everyone got acquainted you and Ludwig both found it odd that America's troops were still at attention, while you and Ludwig allowed yours to go about their day as if it weren't any different. You sat with your father talking, you took in every word he said. He was speaking differently than usual so you made sure to pay close attention. "How is it to 'run' your own military?" He asked. "Well, it's not mine." You chuckled a bit. "Ludwig is the one who has set everything up." "You should do 'away' with the harsh boot camps. American troops aren't put through such tough training." "It wasn't too bad actually. I found it pretty easy." You smiled. "Just be sure to enjoy your peaceful times as much as possible... you never know when they might turn." He said the look in his eyes said what he couldn't speak.

You picked up on what he was saying before too, plus the little piece of paper he secretly slipped into your pocket was still a mystery. One he didn't want America or his troops catching on to. Ludwig gathered his best men and your best women and took them to a secluded tent to have a private discussion. He was able to read his note. All it said was... "America is going to strike." "Vhat vill ve do vith Berlin? Isn't zat her vater out zere?" Your woman in command under you asked. "Get her out of here." Ludwig said sternly. "If it's vhat I zink is going on, America is after her und vill destroys everything to get her. Behind his energetic smile is a demon hidden. Ve all have vone. Even Italy. But sometimes our demons vin, und zey come out to get vhat zey vant. Allen vants (Y/N)."


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𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | Germany x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ