『Chapter Fifteen』

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"Come-a on (Y/N)! Put on your dress!" Italy begged from the other side of the curtain. "I'm almost done hold your horses, Feliciano!" You chuckled at his excitement. Yes today, was the day. Your wedding day. You were hours away from marrying Ludwig... "Come on (Y/N)!" Italy whined again. Yes, he was your 'bride's maid' you didn't have anyone else, except Japan but he was conducting the ceremony. "Ok, ok, I'm dress." You said stepping around to the other side of the changing curtain. "VEEEEE SO PRETTY!" He shouted. You blushed a little. "Here let me fix your bowtie."


Someone knocked on the door. "If it's you, Ludwig, you know you can't come in." You chuckled. The door opened and stepped in a very well-dressed woman. "I can assure you that I am not Ludwig." She smiled. "Oh, well hello then. I'm (Y/N), the bride. Are you a friend of Ludwig's?" You asked. "No, I am a friend of Mr. America. He said I could find you in here. You look lovely. Did you make that dress yourself?" She said wide-eyed. "I did yes, thank you." You smiled feeling a bit awkward.

"Well I was told you didn't have a real bride's maid, so I came in here to help you get ready." She set down her bag and opened it taking out makeup pallets and hair tools. "Trust me, when it comes to fashion, I know what I'm doing." You looked over at your goofy Italian friend and you both shrugged your shoulders. If she was offering, why not?

[Time Skip]

"Gilbert vhere are my medals!" Ludwig shouted. "Right here." Gilbert said in a monotone voice handing his frantic brother his military medals in a very relaxed 'whatever' type of manner. Of course, Gilbert was the best man. Who else? But Ludwig wasn't as calm and bubbly as you were, He was freaking out, frantically looking for what he needed and re-slicking his hair back every time he moved too quickly, and it would fall out place. "You need to calm down." Gilbert said finally standing from his seat. He pinned on his own military emblems and straightened out Ludwig's for him. "I'm trying, but I'm just so nervous. I've never felt like zis before." Ludwig said finally taking a breath.

Gilbert gave him a hard slap on the back "It's because your liebe is going to valk down ze aisle today and you are going to marry her and live happily ever after." Gilbert smiled widely. Ludwig smiled "Ja, you are absolutely right." "Hey, guys! How is everything going in here?" Your dad said stepping into the room. He too was in his military dress clothes. So was Italy and Japan too. Pretty much every country that showed up was. You were a military daughter, so it was suiting. "Gutt, ve're just finishing up!" Gilbert said. "Alright, good, I'm going to go check on (Y/N) to see how close she is to being done." Your father left the room and headed to the room you were in.

[Time Skip]

You talked with the unfamiliar woman and Feliciano as she curled and pinned up your hair. It's like you knew her forever and she was a close friend. Outside your room, your dad made his way closer. "Hey, dude!" America said stopping your dad. "Lookin' sharp as always!" "Thank you, Mr. America, you're looking smashing as well." Your father said. "I'm just about to check on (Y/N) and Italy." "Nah, I'll check on them for you!" America said rushing into the room and locking the door behind him. "AMERICA!" Your father shouted and frantically tugged on the door. "Alfred? What are you doing!?" You asked. "Just checking on you for your dad." He gave a wide suspicious smile. "Well, my work here is done." The woman said as she packed her things and slipped out behind America. "Uhh well, thank you again!" You shouted after her, but she didn't turn around to look at you.

Your father froze when he saw her though. Then he gave an angry look at America, but once he saw you his features softened, and he smiled. "You look so beautiful (Y/N)." He said bringing you into a hug. "So, do you know that woman?" He asked. "No, she just came in and said she was going to do my hair and makeup. In fact, I never even got her name." You said thinking about the strange woman. "Odd, but oh well. Ludwig is waiting." Your father said holding out his arm for you. Italy handed you your bouquet and you were escorted to the special place all set up. The meadow in the black forest. The one you found while out exploring with Ludwig.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | Germany x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now