『Chapter Three』

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"Heyyyy Germanyy!" Italy sang as he ran through the house. "I'm-a here to take (Y/N) shopping!" "She is in ze room Italy now leave me be I have vork to do." Ludwig sat in his office looking through his mounds of paperwork, and he was stressed. "Heyy (Y/N) I'm-a here!" Italy knocked on the bedroom door. You opened the door with a big welcoming smile "Hello Italy are you ready to go shopping?" "Veee yes I am!!" He quickly took your arm and ran to the door. "Bye Ludwig!" You shouted. "I love you." You managed to say before you were out of the house. You hear a muffled. "I love you too." From Ludwig.

[Time Skip]

"Oooo (Y/N) look at this shirt." Italy held up a really frilly dress shirt, it was hideous. "I know we are here for dress clothes but I'm not wearing that." You took the shirt from Italy and placed it back on the rack next to the other identical ones. He hung his head, devastated that you didn't like what he picked out "It's ok Italy." You patted his shoulder. "We can go to another store and look there." He cheered up a little more and he skipped to another store with you. "Ok Italy." You said from the dressing room. "Here I come, don't you dare laugh." You stepped out of the dressing room with a High Low skirt that was (F/C) and a nice but plain button-down crop sleeve shirt. "Veeee I love it! I love it!" He clapped and jumped up and down in excitement. "Alright I'll get this outfit then; do you think Ludwig will like it?" You asked with a slight blush.

"He will love it tooooo!" You smiled at his excitement and went back into the changing room to put your regular clothes on. "Alright, Italy I think if we can find like one more outfit we should be set" You looked around but didn't see your Italian friend "Oh hell where did he go?" You gathered your things and began looking for him, it didn't take you long to hear him. "Veeee I like these!" You turned a corner and saw Italy holding up a thong in the lingerie aisle. "ITALY!" You shouted. "Put that down! People are going to think you are a pervert!" You took the thong away from him and put it back. "Awe but-a (Y/N), it was-a sexy!" He whined. "Germany would like them." You blushed a little, he was right Ludwig would like them. "Alright give I'll get them!" You took the thong back and left to go pay for them along with your other clothing items.

[Time Skip]

Walking down the street with Italy carrying your shopping bags was fun but Italy wasn't saying as much as he did earlier. "Italy are you alright?" You asked slightly worried. "Si I am fine, I just had a question for you." He gave you a cheeky smile. "Alright asked." You smiled back. "Why were you living in a tent in the woods?" He asked in a serious tone. "Oh well I ran away from home and lived in tents and shelter all around the world, I visited many places like Canada, France, Spain, England, and ended up here in Germany." You said with a big smile trying to get Italy to smile with you. "My dad was the one who told me to leave, he is a general in the American army and he didn't want me around his boss named Alfred, I guess this Alfred guy kept asking about me and was acting strange whenever I was mentioned or saw my picture, and that was one of the reasons why I never got to see what my dad did at work because he didn't want me to be around that guy, he sounds like a real creep if ya ask me, so I guess you could say that I didn't really "run" away but I did and I know my dad knows I'm ok, I might write to him in secret someday, hopefully, that Alfred guy doesn't see the letter or something." Italy's eyes widened.'Alfred?' He thought. 'AMERICA?' but he kept his composer. "Oh, you should come to Italy and eat pasta with me! Veeee." He said back in his happy tone. "That was going to be one of my stops but then I met Ludwig, but now I have a question for you Italy....Do you have a human name too?" "Why yes, I do! My name is Feliciano!" He said proudly. "Do you mind if I call you that?" You asked. "You can call me anything you like! Veee!" You and he laughed and headed back home.

[Time Skip]

"Bye Feliciano thank you for shopping with me!" you gave your Italian friend a big hug
"Veeee any time (Y/N)!" he hugged you back swaying back and forth, then he left waving and smiling the whole way. You walked up the stairs and into your room to put your new clothes away. "Vell hello liebe." Ludwig said as he entered the bedroom. "Did you have fun shopping vith Italy?" "Yes, I did." You said with a smile. "But it looks like you didn't have fun with your work today." "Nein, this vork is never fun." He seemed stressed.

You brought him close for a long kiss "Why don't we get ready for bed then ok?" "Ok." He answered, but then you remembered your new thing, with a smirk you grabbed the small bag it was in and walked into the bathroom. Ludwig shrugged and sat on the edge of the bed. When you came back out you were only wearing your bra and the (F/C) thong, Ludwig looked at you with widened eyes and a slight blush. "I got this today." You said in a seductive tone. "Meine Gott that is sexy." Ludwig said still eyeing you now with hungry eyes. "But you haven't even seen the back of it yet." You winked and turned around to show the string part with your ass. Ludwig grabbed you and pulled you onto the bed and pinned you down. "I zink I vill relieve some of meine stress now."


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𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | Germany x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now