Prepared this time

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*Two days before Justin's Birthday, and before there due dates*

(J=Justin) (R=Raegan) (K=Kale) (Ja=Jack) (D=Damon) (C=Cameron) (Ry=Ryan) (T=Tish) (G=Grayson)(M=Maya)
(Jay=Justin junior)
(Rae=Raegan junior) (H=Haydin) (Mack=Mackenzie) (Jor=jordan)

J:Rae shouldn't we pack are hospital bag so that way we can go to the hospital tomorrow like they said
R:Yea and we should tell Maya and Grayson to pack to and do you want the kids to come or not
J:Well what do you think
R:I don't know but don't they have school tomorrow
R:Well if you have the baby while they are in school then we will just wait and pick them up but if its like early in the morning we can let them skip school
J:So do you want to ask for there work to be ready just in case
R:Yea now lets go talk to everyone else
R:Babe I was going to go get them *laughs*
J:Opps sorry but saved you from having to go in everyone's room
R:You have a point but I am not that lazzy
Rae:We are here
J:Everyone right
R:Okay Maya and Grayson come here and sit on the bed
M:Okay whats up you guys are scaring me
J:Oh sorry my bad nothing is wrong we just wanted to tell y'all are plan

(J=Justin) (R=Raegan) (K=Kale) (Ja=Jack) (D=Damon) (C=Cameron) (Ry=Ryan) (T=Tish) (G=Grayson)(M=Maya)
(Jay=Justin junior)
(Rae=Raegan junior) (H=Haydin) (Mack=Mackenzie) (Jor=jordan)

Ja:Okay go on
J:Well we was thinking to pack are hospital bag in the morning tomorrow and then going to the hospital so that way the same thing that happened last time won't happen again
M:Okay but what about the rest of the kids
R:Well if y'all go into labor while they are at school we was thinking let them finish up there day and then one of use can go pick them up and if they are about to be released just take the kids to the house but if they aren't going to be release into like awhile then we can just bring them to hospital or take them to david's house or someone can just stay at home with them until we all get back
J:But if it's like early in the morning then we can just let them skip but we should still call in there make-up work no matter what happens so then they can just do it at home
C:This is why we let y'all come up with plans because it always seems to work
K:Any names yet
M:Short for Gabriella
J:Pretty name
R:Okay now y'all can go back to what you was doing
J:Rae we need names
R:What about Bridgett for one of the girls
J:What about Daegan
R:Is that my name expect for a boy
J:Yea I didn't even think about it but I wanted one of them to have part of my dad's name
R:One more
J:What about Paige
R:Babe that's a beautiful name
J:I know now let's go to the store so then we don't have to eat that hospital food
R:Okay...we should ask Maya and Grayson to come because than they can pick out some stuff to
J:Maya!!! Grayson!!! Put some clothes on we are going food shopping for tomorrow
R:Now who's the lazy one
J:I am pregnant now what's your excuse
R:I helped out on that so boom
J:Ughh okay you win
M:Okay ready
J:I call shot gun
R:You was going to sit in the front anyway
G:Yea jay because raegan wouldn't let one of use sit in the front anyway
J:*giggles* y'all take the fun out of every thing
R:Jay put on some shoes and lets go
J:Dang you don't got to be so mean
J:Okay Okay lets go
R:Good I love you
J:Cool I don't love you😏
R:you did not
J:yes I did
R:take it back
M:Jay fucking take it back
J:Dang okay I love you
R:kiss me
They kiss and then tell everyone that they are leaving and then they decide to go to Walmart.
J:Babe can we go to toco bell after
J:Yay and can you carry me I don't feel like walking
R:Justin do you know how much you way right now you are 3x heavier than usual
J:Well can I at least get on your back
They go shopping, Justin gets his toco bell and they all go home and they start packing the food and then go to sleep.
Raegan wakes up in the middle of the night because he had a bad dream so he just decided to stay up but while he was up he was thinking about what he wanted to do for Justin's birthday.
Justin doesn't want a party or presents cause he thinks just having kids is enough for his birthday.

Is Raegan and the group planning something??? Read the next chapters to find out...
I know it's a small cliffhanger but I will be able to update more I just have to get my after school schedule right and then on the weekends,

(A/N I know I haven't updated but hopefully by the end of the week I will have an update schedule for you guys.)

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