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Justin was staring at the bag and had a scared face and that caused Raegan to say something.

Raegan:What's wrong

Justin:Rae how long has it been since the wedding

Raegan:5 days why

Justin:Because my period is late

Raegan:oh my god

Justin:Rae can you go get a pregnancy test

Raegan:Yea okay

Justin threw up a few more times while raegan was gone.

*5 minutes later*


Raegan:Jay are you okay

Justin:No come here

Raegan went to the bathroom and handed him the test

Justin:Can you step out while I take it


Raegan went to the room and sat on the bed and just waited and then Justin came out.

Justin:We have to wait 5 Mintutes


Justin went on the bed to raegan and cuddled with him and raegan ran his hand through Justin head and Justin held his stomach.

Justin:It's been about 5 minutes


Justin got up and grabbed the test and saw it and started crying and covered his mouth Raegan got up and saw the test and it was positive Raegan hugged him and rubbed his back.

Justin:Raegan are you ready to have a kid or kids

Raegan:Well yes

Justin:Please don't leave me when I have the kid or kids

Raegan:I will never leave you even if you had triplets i won't leave you

Justin hugged raegan and he rubbed his back and kissed his head

*Time skip*

Raegan:Babe I think we should go home just in case something happens and since are family and the group needs to know

Justin:Okay I agree but sorry for ruining are honeymoon

Raegan:How did you ruin are honeymoon

Justin:Because I was the one to bring up that we haven't had sex yet

Raegan:Don't feel like that because I was the one who asked you what you were thinking

Justin:Okay I have to text damon that we did it

Raegan:I thought you was just kidding about that (Giggles)

Justin:Nope(he said with a little laugh) and while I am doing that I will book the tickets

Raegan:Okay and I will pack

Justin grabbed his phone and laptop and went to the room and sat on the bed and started texting Damon

*Text Messages*

Justin:Hey Damon I have something to tell you

Damon:Hey and what is it

Justin:Me and Raegan did the frickle frackle

Damon:What oh my gosh when

Justin:Like 4 or 5 days ago

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