One more One Shot...

542 16 1

So yeah, whatever.
This is just I dunno, a conversation?
Forgive any bad spelling of words you might spot.
-Slight language warning-

Damn was it hot. No, not the I'm sorta sweaty hot, it was the let's cook our breakfast on the side walk hot, and Rukia, dressed full in winter pjs this not so lovely summer's morning, did not appreciate this. "Ichigo," she stabbed a finger into the carrot tops back,
"I'm what you humans call boiling."
"So what? Change clothes."
"I don't have any cool enough, and I haven't a penny to spare on purchasing new summer cloth-"
"That so?"

Ichigo's back remained cold as he fixed the two up a lousy breakfast. With Yuzu and Karin out of town on a school trip, and his dad away god knows where, Ichigo was left head and only chief, Rukia- being forbidden to go anywhere near things that can start fires.

"I might die, Ichigo."
"No you won't, you have dresses, I know you have dresses."
"They don't fit."
"Lair, you're what, a couple hundred years old?- you literally take years to grow a centre meter."
Rukia yawned slyly, "Maybe Kon will take me shopping.."

Imagine the horror of seeing your grandparents naked, together, in one room, listening to Taylor Swift as loud as speakerly possible, along with the sensation of accidentally stepping in dog shit, while getting rejected by your crush in front of everyone who is anyone, all at the same time, and it's Monday. That, was Ichigo's face. Pure amusement, was Rukia's.

"No, no, no and no. That perv is not taking you as far as the front door."

Rukia giggled, something she found strange herself, "Then you'd best take me, or I really will ask Kon."

"Too bad he's poor as your wardrobe," Ichigo smirked as he presented Rukia with a steaming plate of undercooked eggs with a delicious side of burnt bacon.

"Now that's just harsh," Rukia glared at her morning meal with an unattractive frown, "Your sisters are so much more better at preparing meals, you should really get training from them some time."

"Says you!" Ichigo plunked down next to Rukia with his own plate of (probably) toxic goodies. "I... I'll-"

"Take me out to gather clothes, why thank you Ichigo- you're so kind!"

"No," Ichigo's usually scowl was directed at Rukia, "I was going to to say, I'll drop you off and you can go look yourself."

With a stuck out lip, Rukia pouted, "You're mean."

"And the sky, hopefully, is blue."

Rukia just punched Ichigo in the arm, which could have really hurt if she had actually intended it to. She'd have to convince him another time, when his mood wasn't angry teenage bitch.

Ichigo X Rukia -One Shots and Short Stories-Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz