First Date?! -Part 2-

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Rukia and Ichigo arrived at the theatre with only a moment to spare, "We have to hurry or we won't make it." Ichigo gasped while checking his watch.

"But what about popcorn? And drinks?!" Rukia complained beside Ichigo.

"No time for that, you don't want to miss the start do you?" Ichigo sighed while he dragged Rukia past the candy bar and into the theatre itself. There were a few people scattered here and there, but compared to the blockbuster movies Ichigo usually saw, the room was practically empty.

Ichigo guided Rukia to a pair of empty seats towards the back of the theatre, the two sat down just in time as the movie began to start. The screen lit up and so did Rukia's face, she was enjoying the movie more than Ichigo had thought she would, and it had only just started.

Ten minutes in and Ichigo heard a small growl from next to him, Rukia looked up at him with pleading eyes, "I'm hungry, we should have gotten some food..." Ichigo sighed and stood up, "I'll be right back with some bloody popcorn...."

Rukia's eyes glistened, "Thank you!"

Ichigo quickly left and headed for the candy bar. He walked up to clerk behind the counter, "One large popcorn and two waters please." The clerk smiled, she looked to be around one year older than Ichigo and wore a name badge that said 'Rose'.

"Coming right up!" Rose laughed cheerfully.

Rose bounced over to a old popcorn machine and begun to dig out piles upon piles of popcorn to fill up the 'Large' Ichigo had ordered. She then went to collect two water bottles from a fridge.

"Here you are sir, that'll be $10." Rose gave the strawberry a toothy smile.

"So exp- oh, um thank you." Ichigo stuttered, "May I ask, are you foreign?"

"Yes, I'm Australian. Still learning to speak Japanese though, it's sure not easy." Rose sighed.

"I see, well good luck." Ichigo smiled handing Rose a $10 note.

"Thank you, come again!" Rose chirped.

The carrot top turned and left with popcorn and drinks in hand.

Ichigo returned to his seat to see Rukia in tears, "I-It's j-just s-so sad Ichigo!" Rukia cried while whipping away her tears. Ichigo put the popcorn between them and handed Rukia a drink. "T-thank y-yo-you."

He turned to look at the screen, the girl was lying in a hospital bed and her 'boyfriend' was crying at her side, clinging onto her hand as the security tried to drag him away.  "It's so corny, how can this make you feel sad?" Ichigo sighed feeling slightly confused.

He then felt a stinging sensation on his right cheek, Rukia had slapped him. "Idiot, it's an important moment! Don't ruin it!"

Ichigo got up from his seat, "What the heck was that for!?"

Rukia got up too, "Your ruining it, stupid!"


All eyes where in Ichigo and Rukia, the two looked at each other embarrassed and sat down laughing. Ichigo reached for some popcorn, so did Rukia. For a moment, the two held hands before Ichigo swiftly swiped his hand away.  "S-sorry.." He stuttered flushing pink, he was suddenly grateful for the darkness that his rose tinged  face.

"It's ok," Rukia said softly. And then... Her hand was in his. They were holding hands. At first Ichigo thought he was imagining things, but the feeling was too real.

He smiled to himself, glad for this moment that they would share for the rest of the day...

and possibly their lives.


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