~Dancing Dream~

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Ichigo sighed, if possible he would have loved to avoid tonight, but he new he had to attend. Tonight was his high school's annual 'Dancing Supreme Dance Off!' The name was outright stupid, nobody even danced, and half the people who do come just sit there doing nothing. Those who call in sick without a doctors note get detention, same goes with any other excuse unless you have concrete proof. Ichigo hated this event with a passion.

"Rukia, lets go!" Ichigo called to his raven haired friend.

She was taking way too long for his liking, she was also way too excited. I hope she's not too disappointed when she finds out what it's like there...

"I'm coming!" Rukia ran down the stairs in a sparkling dress, covered in those glittery things Ichigo hated. Somehow, the black dress seemed to compliment Rukia's skinny shape enough for Ichigo to ignore the overwhelming amount of sparkles. "Do you like it?" Rukia smiled proudly.

"Yeah... Where did you even get a dress like that?" Ichigo averted his eyes to the door to stop himself from blushing.

"Uyru made it!" Rukia began to slip on some high heels, the heel being especially narrow and long.

"Of course he did- hey, are you sure you want to wear those, you'll fall over really easily."

Rukia didn't look away from the shoes as she finished putting them on, "Then you'll catch me, right?"

Ichigo could feel his face turning red much to his dissatisfaction, "Y-yeah.. I guess, but it's still dangerous."

Rukia got up and walked past Ichigo to the door, she placed her hand on the handle as if she were going to turn it, "Since when were you the worrying type, come on, lets go!"

"Whatever, just don't blame me when you twist your ankle."

The two drove in silence, Ichigo being the driver and Rukia the passenger. Ichigo could tell Rukia was buzzing with anticipation even though he wasn't looking at her, he still felt bad over how much of a let down this would be for her. Finally, Ichigo's school was in sight, a few other cars had already pulled up and a couple of people were walking in through the front gates.

Rukia got out almost as soon as Ichigo stopped the car, Ichigo just sighed as he pulled himself out. The night air was crisp and cold but Rukia still glowed with warmth. I should probably tell her... No, I don't want to crush her like that..

"I wonder if this is anything like the traditional dances we have back in the Soul Society?" Rukia questioned as the two followed the sound of pop music.

"No, it's totally different." Ichigo answered, "You'll see what it's like when we get there."

"O-kay!" Rukia chirped increasing her pace.

She then fell backwards, right on top of Ichigo.

Stay tuned for part 2!

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