The Zoo (An Ichiru)

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"Are we going yet?" Rukia poked at Ichigo's back.
Today, he was finally going to take her a zoo. She'd seen pictures of yellow animals with tremendously long necks, black and white bears who ate plants over meat and colourful birds that looked like rainbows themselves. Rukia had never seen anything like it before in the Rukon District. All she new of were rats and mice who stole shiny things and poisoned the water.

"Look, my dad we can leave at 3:15 and it's only 2." Ichigo explained, "I want to leave as much as you do but-"

"Gooood moooorrning... ICHIGO!" Something flung itself through the door to Ichgio's room straigh at the young teen. Instinctively, Ichigo dived to the side barely missing a head on collision.

"Dad! What the heck!?" Ichigo yelped while sprawled out on his bed, making Rukia tuck her legs in to avoid being flattened. She blushed slightly at this.

"It's afternoon too!" Ichigo grumbled while getting up. "What are you even doing home?"

"Your looovely more than friend-


"-Here, thought it would be a good idea if I got home sooner, so you know, I could babysit your poor sisters whom your abandoning"

Ichigo scowled ever so slightly. Rukia knew Ichigo loved his family dearly, however this did not stop him from having his moments.  She reached out and softly grabbed the ginger's arm.

"He's only joking you know."

Ichigo pulled his arm away sharply in embarrassment, his face flushing pink. "It-it's not that." He stammered.

"Young romance~!" Ichigo's dad sang, finishing with a twirl and bonk on the head from Ichigo himself.

"Well, if your here then we're leaving." The carrot top left the room swiftly to avoid further embarrassment. "Come on Rukia!"

Five minutes later and Rukia was bulking her seatbelt. She still wasn't used to the long, stringy straps. They dug into her shoulders and were among the most uncomfortable things she knew of. We never had anything like this back home..

"All good?" Ichigo questioned.

"Yes!" Rukia gave her seatbelt a final tug before settling into her seat.

"Alright, off we go!"    (This takes place after the time skip so Ichigo can drive~)

Building, cars, trees, people and all sorts of things raced along side the duo as blurs. Rukia open her window slightly to let in the powerful wind, it blew across her face and pulled back her short, black hair into a tangled mess. I'm going to see a zoo! she thought. I'll see long necked, black and white animals, feathered birds brighter than colour itself, all with Ichigo.

Rukia suppressed a blush, "Thank you.." She spoke too quietly for him to hear. "Thank you for everything."

A single tear escaped her eye. I should never have left.

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