For Sweeter Dreams~part 2

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The pale-skinned copy laughed at the gobsmacked appearance of Rukia's face. "Gets them EVERY time!"

"No.. That can't be!" Rukia shivered, "You can't be Ichigo's Zanpakuto!"

"Believe it kiddo, it's the truth." Zangetsu smirked, "Just ask him."

I can't believe Ichigo would hide something like this from me! No wonder he loses control in battle, his Zanpakuto is practically a hollow! Rukia's grip on her own Zanpakuto tightened.

"Let me out of here!" She demanded with lost confidence, "What do you want with me?!"

Zangetsu sighed and sat down looking over the vast, empty landscape. For a moment, Rukia thought she saw sadness reflected in his eyes.

"It rains here." Was the only thing the Zanpakuto murmured.

"What?" Rukia responded confused, "That shouldn't be possible?"

"Don't know how it is for you, but when ever that loser gets depressed, it pours." Zangetsu explained, "Could you please tell him to stop being a such a baby or I'm going to take his bod- ahh, or I'll punch him.."

Rukia's eyes widened, take his body? No.. Rukia stepped backwards, fear edging her to run away. I WONT RUN! I can't..

"I won't allow you to take over Ichigo's body anymore!" The soul reaper stood her ground.

"Wha-? You serious!? Ahaha!" The hollow laughed, "Do you even know how many times I've saved that good-for-nothing's life!?"

"Saved his... Life?" Rukia repeated.

"If I had dollar for even time, I'd be the richest man in the world!" Zangetsu smirked. "But then loser has to interfere and reclaim his body, he couldn't, I don't know, WAIT TILL IM FINISHED SAVING HIS ASS!"

Rukia saw loneliness, frustration and a longingness to be excepted. I didn't know hollow's could feel emotion like that...

"Your name isn't Zangetsu, is it?" Rukia spoke softly.

The Ichigo look-alike turned slowly to Rukia. He hesitated. "How'd you know?"

"It was easy, I can tell you don't like the name. It's written on your face." Rukia replied.

"I'm that easy to read huh?"

"What's your real name?" The raven haired soul reaper asked.

"Tell you what, next time you come.. You have to guess. But the sun is rising, loser will freak if he finds you gone."

Next time? Rukia pondered.

"Sure why not?" Rukia smiled.

What I am doing? I just befriended a hollow?!

"You never told me your name, soul reaper." He spoke slowly, the fire never once leaving his eyes.

"It's Rukia. Rukia Kuchiki."

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