Chapter 13: I would love to

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Hullo! (I'm trying to be British, don't mind me)

Okay I'm sorry for not updating. I had some kind of abscess. And the left side of my upper body got infected a bit, because I scratched it, making it bleed and stuff, so I had a minor operation. It hurt a lot @_@

During the operation, I kept thinking "Don't be a pansycake, you're dauntless" :D

I made this chapter while I was in the hospital

I really had fun making this. This a hell of a long chappie

I hope you guys enjoy it. Leave some comments and such :* (for the emotional boost. I need it *sobs*)

Ps. I made this long because I love you guys



Chapter 13

Nico's POV

Percy and I stumbled inside the Mess Hall in Camp Jupiter. I was thinking of Camp Jupiter when I

commanded the shadows. How we ended up in the Mess, I had no idea. Maybe I was hungry

The legionnaires were eating lunch and we kinda made an impressive entrance. Percy and I

tripped over some spilled orange juice and fell on one of the tables, making some of the plates and

goblets fall on the ground

I groaned and stood up. Percy did the same

Everyone was staring at us, some were snickering. I grinned sheepishly, Percy just waved his hand like a big movie star

'"Sup guys?" Percy said flashing a wide grin. I just remembered that Percy was their praetor in the past. People look up to him, the Romans respected him, because he brought back the Legion's

golden eagle

"Hey Perce!" The campers said in unison, some familiar faces looked at me and gave me pained smiles

I didn't know why

The farthest table was the Fifth Cohort's table, Percy's past Cohort. They stood up and walked to


Dakota was his usual self, his mouth and chin were red, making him look like he just sucked someone's blood from the vein, he was bringing two goblets and took turns sipping both. His eyes were so wide, he looked like he just ate a hundred sugar cubes. Well maybe he did

Gwen smiled and hugged Percy. Some people I didn't recognize, shook Percy's hand and nodded at my direction. They gave me occasional smiles

Vitellius, the oldest Lar here in New Rome, shook my hand "I'm sorry" He whispered

I was confused with what he said so I just shrugged

"Have some kool-aid" Dakota grinned, handing over a goblet of red kool-aid to Percy "They're more sugarized"

Percy laughed and declined the offer, he patted Dakota's shoulder "I believe there's no such word as sugarized"

Dakota shrugged "Well, I have that in my vocabulary"

"Heyyy Nico! You've grown" He ruffled my hair and slapped my shoulder so hard, I almost toppled over"

"Uh-yeah. Hey Dakota" I said rubbing my shoulder "I think so"

He proceeded to stare at me, his eyes were glassy. I was so confused

He mumbled something that sounded like: I'll miss that li'l kiddo

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