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Percy felt warm. It was so warm. The warmness of it all was more than comforting but something urged him back to consciousness.

He opened his eyes and there was a bright light searing his eyes. It was so bright it made his ears ring loudly. Where am I?

He closed his eyes again for a couple more seconds before he opened them adjusting to the light. He saw that the light came from outside. Wait, outside?

Sunlight seemed to be streaming through the window of the room he was in. He sat up and immediately regretted it. The world spun before it settled back to normal. He looked around and saw that the room was almost the same size as his cabin back at camp.

He was lying on a queen-sized bed with blue sheets. Percy was stuffed inside several velvet and cotton comforters making him feel like a burrito. He peeled the blankets off and proceeded to looking around.

There was a simple nightstand where his camp necklace and Riptide sat. There was also a huge dresser.He swung his legs over the bed and his feet met the carpeted floor. He looked down at himself and found that he was naked except for a pair of boxers.

He looked around yet again and saw clothes sitting on the edge of the bed. They were simple dark blue jeans and a grey shirt. He put them on and found a pair of sneakers outside the door that were just his size. He got out of the door, it lead to a hallway and as he walked down he saw two more doors before he reached a staircase.

"Is anyone here?" He called out as he stepped on the last flight of stairs. The place was comfortable and homey with blue painted walls and leather couches, beanbags and simple yet delicate designs.

He walked around the room and went into what he assumed to be the kitchen. He frowned when he found out that nobody was there. He made his way to a single back door and stepped out.

He gasped and saw the ocean stretched out before him. The house was perched on top a hill or something. There was a cliff that overlooked the ocean where the sun was rising ever so slowly.

As Percy made his way towards the cliff, wading through ankle high grass; he saw someone. Someone was sitting on a single bench that faced the ocean.

He already knew who it was. The person his heart longed for so much.

He ran and called out, "Nico!"

Nico turned, he had his knees drawn to his chest and he had a solemn look on his face. He was wearing his usual black hoodie and black pants. His eyes widened when he saw Percy, "Percy?" He whispered and stood up shakily. He ran and met Percy's embrace.

"What are you doing here?" Nico asked frantically, "Why are you here?"

Percy gave him a simple smile and lifted a hand to Nico's face, rubbing a single tear from his cheek, "I told you I'd see you again, didn't I?"

Nico sighed and smiled sadly, "You're ridiculous, Perseus Jackson"

Percy shrugged "I guess I am"

Nico smiled up at him and led him to the bench. Percy sat down reluctantly, "I can't believe we're here"

"Me too"

"I love you, Nico" He said with all the emotion he could muster

Nico smiled first at the horizon before turning to him, "I know. And I love you too"

Percy held Nico's hand like a lifeline, kissing it briefly before turning to look at him seriously "What now?"

Nico chuckled and flicked his forehead, "What do you mean, 'what now?'?"

Percy smiled widely, "I meant, what now"

"Honestly Percy." Nico chuckled and sighed happily staring at the sea leaning his head on Percy's shoulder before answering, "Now, we enjoy paradise together"

Percy smiled and placed a kiss on top of his head stared out into the distance. The sun rose steadily in front of them, symbolizing a new beginning. Percy sighed contentedly before whispering, "Together"

Together (Percico)Where stories live. Discover now