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Aaron looked around the dimension in awe. Everything was bright purple-the color of jealousy. It had all their favorite things,Weapons,Witchcraft,Skulls,ect. After the two had a good look around,the headed home. Katelyn and james had left,leaving a note saying they had curfew. Mariana said night and headed to her room to do Devil knows what. Aaron and Katelyn had fallen asleep by now,and Mariana was going through her phone. She suddenly got a text message. It was James,and somehow the two ended up chatting all night. Mariana got out of her bed at 6:00 and looked around. Aaron said he gave me the school uniform.. Mariana thought,looking around her room.

 When she saw the uniform she almost screamed. She cursed under her breath for about thirty minutes,doing everything else but putting it on. Meanwhile,james was at Katelyn's house eating brekfast. He had gotten everything done and was waiting for Katelyn. Aaron was up and ready,waiting for Mariana. Mariana slowly shuffled out of her room,head down. She was in a black mini skirt and a yellow,airy shirt with the school logo on it. She was wearing fancy black dress shoes with her hair in pigtails. Her face was bright blue. Aaron smiled,about to speak when Mariana put her hand up "Shut up.Say anything about this and your dead Meat Bag. Lets just get out of here..Toss me a granola bar." Aaron nodded,tossing her one and tossing her her school uniform girl backpack. It was a sunshine yellow with girl accessories on it,smiley faces,kittens,ect. Mariana groaned and put it on,stomping outside.

 The school wasn't far,so they walked. Mariana spotted James in the distance. He had a grey coat with a white shirt under it,a yellow tie lazily thrown on. Mariana gasped " He can NOT see me in a skirt,not to mention this trash!" She ducked behind Aaron as he chuckled. "C'mon Mari,it won't be that bad.." He mumbled,Mariana must've been so scared she didn't hear him call her Mari. James glanced behind them,seeing Aaron and Mariana hiding behind him. He glacned at Katelyn,then back at  Aaron and Mariana  "Hey..Katelyn? Do ALL Girls have to wear that uniform..?" He asked,a grin spreading across his face. Katelyn nodded,grinning as she looked behind them. "I got a plan...BYE AARON MEET YOU AT THE OFFICE!" Mariana yelled,booking it at inhuman speed past everyone. "OH NU-UH. GET BACK HERE MARI!" James yelled playfully,chasing after her at the same speed. She laughed,and ran straight into the school doors. She yelped,laughing as she fell. James caught her,tossing her into the air and letting her land. "Your so childish,James. We're 1,800,000 years old. We're technically adults,Ya'know. Maybe we should be a bit more mature." Mariana said,dusting herself off.

 The two walked into school. As he said,Aaron walked Mariana around all day,showing her around the school and meeting the teachers. She of course aced every test and paper she had to make up,seeing as it was almost the end of the year. When the bell rang,she ran outside and snapped her fingers,making the uniform disappear and her normal clothes appear instead. She booked it back to Aaron house,having grabbed his hand and used super speed. Mariana ran into to her room,locking the door and flopping on her bed. She was SO.BORED. School was too easy,same for James. The children were morons,and it was just so..frustrating!  She thought,facepalming. She knew what she needed,and she needed it Now.

 She opened a portal to her dimension she had created with James. She ran over to the very back of it,where a stage,chairs,and a dressing room were. She tapped her foot on the ground and the once fancy stage had been turned into a club. Demons and other monsters were partying,having a good time. She had created this club here as her safe place. She climbed up on stage,snapping her fingers as a black dress with a silver skull in the center formed around her. Her skull barrette was holding her bangs in place,for once both her eyes were showing at once. She snatched the mic off of the stand Lets do this.... She thought. She yelled into the mic,everyone snapping their heads around to look at her. Once they realized it was Mariana,they had wide grins. Tonight's gonna get crazy...  Mariana thought,grinning back and starting her playlist.

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