Chapter Six: Three Musketeers

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“ALYSSAAAA! OVER HEEEEEEEERE!” she said in a sing song tone waving her arms wildly above her head “Don’t pretend like you haven’t seen me!” Alyssa laughed as she began weaving through the tables towards her. “Are ya embarrassed yet?” 

“Not one bit!?” Alyssa said as she sat down opposite her. 

“How rude of me! I haven’t introduced you two yet!” Jesslyn’s eye’s lit up, “Thiiiiiiis,” pointing towards a plumpish girl with a ring through her nose “is Victoria! My personal body guard and ONE of my best friends, now that you’ve joined our little gang.” She said joyfully. Alyssa couldn’t believe she had completely missed her presents “Hey, nice to meet you” she said smiling politely “Sup.” Victoria said looking her up and down. She seems nice enough Alyssa thought to herself. “I’M KIDDING!” Victoria said leaning over the table shoving her arm playfully. “You’re the new girl huh? I’m guessing a petite girl like you will be needing a body guard from queen bitch over there” jerking her head over to the popular table. Alyssa couldn’t help but noticed she had emphasised petite what a lie she thought. Still gazing over at the popular table she found Eleanor with her dirty blonde hair fluffed up, and her followers staring at her like she was the most glorious creature they’d ever laid eyes on. “Who’s that?” Alyssa asked wanting to get a little insight on him. “Who that guy? He’s Louis the best player in the football team-“

“No noo no, the other one.” Staring at his adorable dimples

“Ooooh. You don’t want to go there” 

“Just tell me” 

“That’s Harry, the biggest man-whore around-“Victoria said bluntly 

“Shush Vicky! He’s not that bad!” Jesslyn retorted 

“Fine. I guess you’d have to be mad to say you haven’t EVER had a crush on him, I mean have you seen that perfect tan skin of his, and his muscles” Vicky said licking her lips 

“Alright keep it in your pants Victoria” Alyssa laughed.

“Yeah Vicky, keep your eyes on your own man.” Jesslyn joined in.

“Okay, so Harry, where do I start? He’s aaamaaaazing at singing, didja hear, he’s in the biggest band right now WHITE ESKIMO!”  Her southern accent drawled on every word, you could tell she was excited. “Oooh, and he can juggle.” Victoria interrupted pretending to swoon. 

“Okay okay okay guys. Thank you” Alyssa blushed looking down at her plate she had hardly touched. Almost at instantaneously both girls’ mouths dropped “NO WAY,” Victoria said first “Alyssa’s got a crush on the little curly haired pompous prick!”

“Shhh!” Alyssa hissed “He’s right over there, and no! I do not have a crush on him, nor is he pompous!” she said defensively as she continued to stare at him. Then it dawned on her. No wonder Eleanor had been picking on me Harry was HER man. Eleanor’s arms were draped around his neck sickeningly whispering something in his ear which made him smile and dip his head for a kiss. Ew.

Seeing the disappointment on Alyssa’s face Victoria put her hand on her back comforting

“Give ‘em a week, they’ll be over by then, queen bitch over there goes through guys like pairs of socks.” Alyssa gave a half hearted laugh “Maybe- Hey who’re you staring at Jesslyn” Alyssa said snapping Jesslyn out of her day dream “I.. Uh.. No one, I was just… Thinking about… stuff” Jesslyns’ freckled cheeks turned ruby red glancing back. Alyssa followed her gaze to see a blonde haired boy peek at Jesslyn as she was looking away humiliated. His hair was tipped at the end planum blonde but at the roots it was a deep brown that complimented his light glowing skin and made his intense blue eyes pop.  “Oooohlala” Alyssa sung turning back around to face Victoria and Jesslyn causing Jesslyn to giggle. 

“That’s Niall Horan, Jesslyn’s long time crush, almost so long term that it could be a one sided relationship.” Victoria teased. The way Niall kept peeping up at Jesslyn every five seconds made it obvious how much he liked her but Alyssa stayed quiet. “So, on another less embarrassing note,” Nudging Jesslyn with her elbow “I’m having a party, on Saturday. I expect you to come, no matter what. Done, deal. Dress nice, bring drinks, lets par-taaay” Victoria’s voice grew louder attracting the attention of the tables close by. 

“Sure, I’ll come.” Alyssa said, knowing she had no choice any way “Count me in too!”

“All right then! The three musketeers!” Victoria whooped giving them both a hi-five.

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