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So, just to world build a little: This could change as the fic goes on, but as of right now I'm completely making this up. Your character is a YouTuber who starts working closely with the Game Grumps, but you also do your own stuff, such as music and working with Disney. I know that may be strange, but my dream is to work with the Disney company, so WHY THE FLICK NOT? Also I know nothing about Southern California geography so if I get something wrong pls don't @ me. One more thing, your dog in this story is based on my actual dog. He's perfect so I want him to be famous.

Your POV

My alarm blares at 8am, tearing me out of a pretty steamy dream involving Dylan O'Brien and a hot tub. I groan and will my finger to hit "stop" instead of "snooze." My dog, Kenobi, rolls over from the foot of the bed onto my feet, pinning them down.

"Noooo, I know you're not a morning person either, but I have to get up," I say to him, scratching him behind his floppy black (hehe) ears. He wiggles onto his back, his tongue lolling out of his massive mouth. I rub his tummy until my backup alarm goes off 10 minutes later. I jump out of my skin, forgetting I had set it in the first place. Kenobi jumps as well, and scurries out of the room. The thing about Kenobi is that he's huge- a border collie shepherd mix, but he definitely acts like he thinks he's a chihuahua. I chuckle at him before rolling out of bed.

My small apartment in Glendale is perfect for me. Exposed brick, a nice kitchen, and a balcony that's perched over the busy street below. I've been here for almost a month and a half now, getting settled and buying all sorts of cool decorations. I saved a ton of money all through college. All of my student loan refunds, plus a large portion of the money I received working my part-time job at the Disney store in Louisville, Kentucky, where I lived and went to college.

I moved to LA on a whim, basically. I had seen way too many movies. A plucky, southern girl and a stringed instrument of some kind moves to the big city in the hopes of making her dreams come true. I hated how well I fit the bill. I even had a ukulele.

But everything seemed to fall into place when I saw Arin Hanson's tweet about needing to find someone to come onboard and help edit for them. I've been on YouTube almost 5 years now, and I've always edited my own videos. I sent him a sample of my stuff, and after lots of questions and lots of proving my editing skillz, I was hired. Around the same time, I was hired by Disney to be a writer for all of their websites! It was like I was finally getting paid back for my shitty life before I moved away.

So, that brings us to now. My first day on the team. I shower and quickly fix my hair, twisting it into two french braids. Then I put on a small amount of makeup- just a bit of BB cream and mascara. My outfit is simple too, a T-shirt with a shark on it, denim shorts, and my favorite pair of Birkenstocks. I top the outfit off with a pair of small, yellow earrings and head out. I decide to bring my ukulele, just in case I have some extra time to work on a song I've been working on for a while.

When I pull up to the office, I realize how nervous I am to meet everyone else. I've already met Arin and Danny, but I haven't met the rest of the crew. I look at myself in my visor mirror and take some deep breaths.

"You got this. You're a badass, motherfucking queen and you're gonna edit the shit out of their videos. You're a goddess." When my confidence is at its peak, I turn to open the door. I see a car with three people park next to me. It's a tiny car, a Fiat maybe. Oh, yeah, Ryan has a Fiat, I think to myself. Matt is in the passenger's seat, Ryan is driving, and I can't make out who's in the back seat. Ryan and Matt are looking at me with huge smiles plastered on their faces. Well, I guess that's one way to meet them.

I exit my car the same time they do. I finally see the person in the back seat. It's Chris O'Neill. Truth be told, I have been harboring a small crush on him. Since I started listening to SleepyCast a million years ago. I love his humor and his talent with music. He was definitely the guy I was most nervous to meet. I walk to the back of my car and meet all three of them.

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