Moviessss and popcorn ^-^

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author's note :    now this chapter isnt going to be that special ....but i need to updated since i havent updated since well here it is ....byeeeeeeee


     "OOooOoo a surprise" i said jokingly as I glanced  over at Damon's face.

Damon smiled "yep."

  The ride was silent, i had no idea what to say. So i sat there hoping that he would start a conversation or at least i would think of what to say. Then the car slowed down and we drove up to a house. 

"where are we?" i said confused i assumed it was Damon's house...

"My house ....i have something planned that we can do so we can ...ya know ??? get to know each other more." Damon said looking at me with a slight smile.

"oh cool"

I tried to think of what Damon could have planned for us , but i had no idea. As Damon opened the door i hear barking A LOT of barking  and soon enough we were greeted by a big, cute dog.

Damons POV

  I felt my face turning red. I was so nervous.  thousands of questions ran through my head as I hoped that things would go as planned. by every passing second I questioned if my plans were ok. I literally had know idea what to do for me and Katie's "date".  So like the weirdo I am I googled it like "WTf Damon."

    "Soooo....." Katie said  with a nervous look on her face. I could tell she was just as nervous as me but at least (as far as i know) she wasn't completely freaking out on the inside. I took a step into my house and held the door for Katie. When she was inside i closed the door behind us and waited for one of us to say something.

"so what do you have planned." katie said with a smile. I looked at her and got lost in her eyes. It seemed like i spent forever looking into her eyes. But quickly I snapped back into consciousness.


"what have u got planned."

"oh. OH right ... well i thought that a good way of getting to know each other would be watching a few movies together."

"yay! movie night!!"

she said.

Katie's POV

  I could barely wait to watch movies with Damon all night. I would cry on his shoulder when a character dies. And he'd  wrap his arms around me when the movie got scary. It would be the best time to get to know  each other.

"so what's first??" I said moving things along.

" Well what's a movie night without popcorn!" Damon said walking towards the kitchen. I followed. The first thing i saw when I walked into the kitchen was a bright red and white striped miniature popcorn maker.

I stood next to Damon looking around.

"could you hold this for me?" Damon said handing me a bag of popcorn kernels.


"could you put the kernels in the maker for me, i would do it but i would probably mess it up. ha"

"im not sure if id be any better at it than you but. ok."

I opened the lid on the silver pot-like container in the middle of the maker and poured in the kernels.


ok. well i was gonna write mooore but i felt like i should update. soooo yaaaaa.  byeeeee peaceskies!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2014 ⏰

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