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     *the morning after their date^-^*

    I began to feel the light shine through my eyelids although they we still shut. I laid there thinking .....just thinking.... suddenly i realized i had been laying in my bed listening to my thoughts for too long. My eyes opened slowly, as I rolled over to one side of my bed and sat up with my feet dangling off the side of the mattress. I slipped my feet into my slippers and walked to the bathroom dragging the bottom of my fuzzy, pink, kitty slippers on the carpet. I reached toward the light switch and flipped it upwards, The sudden flash of light burned my eyes and left me blind for a few seconds. I blinked my eyes quickly until my eyes adjusted to the light. Looking in the mirror i noticed my face was a little oily since I forgot to take off my makeup last night after me and Damon's date. At least I thought it was a date I wasn't quite sure what to call it, except for one of the best nights of my life. I walked back into my room to get my makeup, and them my phone rang.

I reached for the phone and answered.

"Well hello there haha"

Damons voice was an amazing thing to wake up to he always made me smile.

"Hey ..."

"I called because i wanted to know if you wanna hang out today maybe..."

I tried to conceal my over excited tone.

"Ya sure !"

"cool so ill pick you up at around three if that's okay with you"

"sounds perfect see ya then!"

I hung up.

I ran towards my room to gather all my things, I was so excited.

Flinging open the two sliding doors to reveal my closet, I grabbed a pair of black, studded shorts and a black tank top with a white muscle shirt made from a sleeping with sirens shirt. I brought all my clothes to the bathroom and pulled back my hair into a messy bun, I washed all the old, faded makeup off my face.

After taking a shower I got dressed and dried and straightened my hair.

Once I was completely done with my hair my makeup was the last thing i needed to do. I did my makeup as i usually do, I put a straight black line on my top lash line and my bottom water line and then I added some mascara. While walking down stairs to get my shoes, I caught a glimpse of the clock It was 2:30. Damon would be here any moment. I had plenty of time to enjoy a cup of tea. So I made some tea and sat down at the table sipping gently. Them I heard a small knock on the door, I put on my flip flops and ran to open the door. I opened the door and there was Damon

"you ready??"

" yep"

I said closing the front door behind me. He opened the passenger side door for me and I stepped in his car. He turned on the car and we headed down the road.

"you still haven't told me where we are going." I said in an effort to start a conversation.

"its a surprise"


Authors notes:


i haven't updated in a while so here you go this is only half of the chapter i was going to write ..but i decided to split the chapter into two parts so i cant wait to see you next time





hey so i know i havent updated in like.....FOREVER but just to let u know I will update tomarrow....the reason i havent updated it that i hit a "writers block" soooo ya see ya soo BYEEeE peaceskies


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