All of My Heart <3

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Chapter One :D

" Wake up !! " my step dad yelled as he pulled all the covers off my bed.

I looked at him,

"good morning sunshine " I said sarcastically

"you have to get ready your going to be late for your flight ".

I am flying to Florida this summer I do this almost every summer but, this is the first time I've gone alone. My mom and step dad couldn't come this year. My step dad  has to go to New York for business and my mom has always wanted to see the statue of liberty so she will be going to New York as well.  before going to the airport I changed into a pair of bright blue skinny jeans and a sleeping with sirens T-shirt. I grabbed all my make up and rushed to the closest mirror I put on my eye liner then some mascara. Then I grabbed my suitcase that I packed last night and threw it in the trunk of our small dark green colored car. My step dad jumped into the drivers seat and waited for my mom to get in the passenger seat and then he pulled out of our drive way. As we drove to the airport my mom made small talk " your aunt and your cousin Melissa will be waiting for you after your flight"

" okay .." I said barely listening to what my mother was saying

Finally we're here In the back of my mind I kinds didn't want to be here. I didn't want to be stuffed I a plane with a bunch of sweaty people I don't know plus were going to be THOUSANDS of feet in the air! And honestly I'm easily scared and I'm scared of a lot of things. So this is going to be some of the longest hours of my life.

*Fast forward to after un boarding the plane*

I walked around quite a bit before finding my aunt. My mom said that she said my aunt would probably make a sign with my name on it.

" KATIE!" my aunt screamed my name.

I walked slowly up to her " he..."

before I even got to finish saying hey she quickly wrapped her arms around my tiny shoulders and squeezed me. I wanted to tell her she was killing me LITERALLY but I remained quiet un till I notice a younger girl next to my aunt. She was a couple years younger than me about 15 or 16 years old. I could tell she was shy she was sitting on the bench behind my aunt she had ear buds in her ears and she was staring at her phone. I sat next to her " what are you listening to " I said akwardly she looked up at me and took out her ear buds and said "I'm not listening to music I'm watching a video". Then she put her ear buds back in and looked at her phone giggling every so often she looked at the phone with a smile. I leaned over to see what she was watching that made her smile that hard. When I looked over I saw this boy with longish brown hair it swooped to one side. I couldn't really see that well but all I could say was he looked cute.

" well its time to go guys " my aunt said

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