Chapter 24

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Kitty's pov...

Something's wrong. I may not feel her pain but I know something happened...Claude has been out for days and never returned. It's been two days.. Sebastian and the others are just sad...everything is just...not alive.

But then we all heard an explosion and ran to it to find Sebastian on the floor looking over at the cabinet that blew up as tiny pieces of gems where on the floor.

"What's happened!" Ciel asked

"The gem we took from just blew up!" Sebastian said

"Do you think ___ has something to do with this ?!  We have to find Claude"

Claude's pov....

Bastards. I just can't go back...and trying to find that place again is going to be hard...
So I gave up and was now sitting in the woods...

"Sqrek?" I over heard (Claude?)

But that meant..

!! "BUDDY?" I yell out and find him much bigger on a tree

"Sqrek." (Nice to see you AGIAN old friend)

"As to you bud"

"Squel?" (What's wrong?)

"_____ is missing again." I say and he laughs

"What's so funny?"

"Sqrek" (I know I've been watching. Creapy yes I know but she made the decision to go once she saw you guys get taken she left and never returned.)

He says "and you decide to tell me this now?! To show yourself now?!" I get mad

"Sqrek " (it's not my place to help you I've done my job. But kitty has a hell of a lot to do until she finishes.) he says and starts to walk off

"Sqrek!" (And maybe you should go to her and talk to her it's not that impossible. Kitty can talk to you, she chose not to because she saw you as a threat go ask her to chat) he says an walks  off

"OF  COUSRE  SHES. A different demon! She can do that! Thanks Bu-" I look over to buddy and find him already gone yet watching...

"Like always" I said and ran to the manor.

Your Pov...

I wake up slowly with pain in my head. I open my eyes and they never close. What I saw infront of me was not a joke. Was not a ...bad...

The world that realm is gone. It the planet just its all gone! I'm on the surface of that "???" World and there's no Onyx Heart anymore, I tried to look for it on the ground near dead bodies of the people but I only found the lords body with his jewels..

"The heart where is it." I keep searching.

"I destroyed a planet" I fall to my knees.. and look at my hands

I look up at dead bodies..everyone was dead.."I did this".. nothing can explain the happiness the fear I felt..

But where is the Onyx Heart....

I get up and see that the castle then building were all broken down..

My nails black as ever my eyes brighter then the moon, my teeth sharper then a sharks and my hair glowing like the light..

Wings were spread on my back.. from black to white patterns..

"I must get back to kitty, i have finished my work here.." I say as I walk but I stop in my tracks.

I look down and see a gem. Glowing... then as I walked the other gems each person held were all glowing even the ones on the other side of the world...

I held my fist up as they glowed more and opened my hand to see black mist release as each and every one of those gems explode.

I smirk.

Now no one can control me.

Hey guys, yup I know its short but don't blame me Blame the thing we call school.

Vote comment and follow bai!!

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