Chapter 14

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Your pov.....

Drag and I were walking down the streets of London me as a cat and him holding me on a leash. Some Children ran up to me to pet me but Drag kicked them away which I couldn't do anything about.

"Do you see that Man over there?" Drag holds me up and there was so many men "the one with the blue shirt" he says and I nod seeing him he had light brown hair and was wearing black jeans and a dark blue shirt with some golden necklaces.

"I want you to use your powers and kill him!" He says and I shook my head but then the bracelet on my hand glew and out of my control the black and red mist started to form a crow. The crow flew by the man and landed on his shoulder "Do you see that boys even birds can't resist me HahahahaHahah" the man said and then the 'bird' flew to the sky and formed a gun...

And the red mist pulled the trigger the bullet was purple and it ran right though his head to his notsohappyplace.......

Then the mists came back to me Tears filling in my eyes after just seeing what I have done men yelling woman yelling and children crying..... but why did Drag make me kill him! Was he a family member of his he wanted dead !?!?

Drag took us back to the dungeon where kitty and Claude were.. he grabs me by the back and connects the chain to my neck and the wall... I had enough power to turn back into human....

I cried "why who was that! Why would you do that!"

"His name was John Karinal he was a former worker of mine but he always stole from me and he got to the Point were he pissed me off and he was the one who killed my life! And so I killed his" Drag says

"No no you didn't *sobs* I did...YOU ONLY WANTED FAMILY DEAD! Not other men you need to let us all go now!" I cry

"And why is that?"

"Because you don't need to capture any more of my loved ones you made me kill a random person which he was the first kill I had! And you said only family so you lied. Isn't that enough" I cry to him

"Not even close I told you that I need the one I used to love dead and for my reason only! And to be honest I could careless about your family but I see it pains you and so that why I do it and don't worry cause the next one will be easy! And I'm doing this for your own good! You will understand soon" Drag says and leaves the room and I cuddle up myself and cry

"_______? You killed someone?" Claude asks

I didn't look at him "that man will pay"he says

and from there I fell into a deep sleep.


Sebastian's pov.....

It's been about 3 weeks since Claude was captured with kitty and _______... but what was that black mist?

I've been doing research and last week Alois came and demanded to see Claude and he said he wouldn't leave with out him which gave me another problem to worry about....

"SEBASTIAN!" My young lord yells I run to his study and see alois bugging Ciel

"Lord Trancy Please give me master some space he has important work to do" I say and he sits back into his seat

"So where's Claude?" He asks

"I'm afraid I still don't know but I will be upgrading our gifting bases I fear there will be a fight and I must take care of you two" I say

"Well I could just call Hannah and the three to come help you guys." Alois says and Ciel and I look at each other

It's not a good idea don't agree(Ciel)

Yes but if we do trust him my problems won't be mine any more(seb)

You bastard alright but you better keep me away from them!(Ciel)

Yes my lord(seb)

"I think that's a wonderful idea" I smile to him and he calls the demons and I give them all orders which they had to follow....this child may be useful someday.....

Of course I still chores to do ..a butlers job is never done.

Oh but I have to find out where they have gone!

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