Chapter 8

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As days passed I've been getting stronger with kitty by my side and Sebastian would visit secretly to my room and we would chit chat or kiss.

"Meow meow meow?"

"To be honest kitty I'm starving too....let's go to the kitchen "I said and she followed behind

As we got to the kitchen the three triplets were there cooking and cleaning dishes.

They all look at me and kitty and kitty jumps up the selves to reach the door of the fridge but I open it for her and she decides..

"Meow meow meow." She picks the left over chicken

I take it out and set it on the table while I eat part of it as well

"What are you doing in here?" I hear my brother Claude ask behind me

And the triplets go back to doing their work.

"Well We got hungry and you didn't leave us anything so we came down." I said

"Mhmmm but that is my master food your eating." He says

"Actually by the looks of it it seems like these are leftovers since you guys are making something new." I smile at Claude as kitty continues to eat

"Why is it that you haven't changed at all after the whole fight and lies?" He asked

"I got my ways.."I smirk at him and the triplets start to whisper

"Meow meow meow "

"Eh I don't know.... hey Claude" I say


"Where's Bud?" I ask referring to Claude's animal

"Bud? Well since I don't need him much I let him roam free in the world." He says

"Aren't you afraid he might get smushed by someone?" I ask

"No" he says calmly




"You three go help Hannah tend to the garden I'll finish up here." Claude says

"Meow meow....."(ask him)

"No....I can't"I say

"You can't what?" Claude asks

"Oh uh nothing..."

"MEnow" kitty says

"Fine um Claude"I start

"Yes?" He said while chopping food

"Can I go to thePhantomhiveManor?...."I say quickly and he stops chopping

"The Phantomhive Manor? Hmm well no not with that demon there"he says



"Why not? come on Claude please I wanna go there"I say pleading

"I don't trust that demon no"

"He won't do anything bad and I won't let him and if he does I'll call for you how's that?" I say with kitten eyes pleading..

"Hmmm"he thought for a moment
"Ok but if I find out he did anything one little thing bad or even came close to touch you I will attack him"he said and I smiled

"Thank you!!" I run up and hug him. Sure I was still mad at him but i also keep secrets from him..

"You could go tomorrow not today" he said and I nod and go pack.

"I'll give them a call and tell my master"

"Ok" and with that I grab kitty as she was eating and run up the stairs inhuman speed.

"Meow meow meow!"
(I can't wait to see river again he is going to teach me how to hunt mice in the wild!) kitty says

"Well I can't wait either"I say

"Meow meow meow meow"(call Sebastian over here and tell him that your coming before Claude calls the manor which will be in 30 minute since he is with his master) kitty says knowing almost everything of Claude's schedule

I nod and go to the door and lock it and run to the window

"Sebastian can you come?" I ask out to the sky and in a minute he was here

"Is there something you need kitten?"he asked jumping inside

"Actually no but I have great news!"I said and he walked closer to me and we sat down on the bed

He looked at me confused then I said

"I asked Claude if I could go to the Phantomhive manor and he said yes!" I said

"He said yes? Wow just like that?"Sebby asked

"Well I kinda begged him but he still said it's alright!!" I say

"Hmm when will you be coming?" He asked

"Tomorrow he said he would call you today?" I said smiling as he smirked

"Then maybe I shall go back and receive that call quickly before he changes his mind...~hmm bye kitten." He said and kissed me and jumped out

"Meow meow 🐱"

"Yea yea.."
..................time skip........................

"______ can I come in?" I hear my brother Claude

"Yes" I say and he walks inside the room

"I called, and they excepted but. If that low life of a demon dare touches you I will kill him understand!" He says

"Yea and don't worry..look I like Sebastian he is a good guy and I know he won't do anything to hurt me."I smile and say to him

"I never liked the demon since I met him and I can't have you too to become close."he says and I stay quite

And he looks at me as I look at anything but his eyes.

"______.....!"he says and i stay quite

"Sorry My Prince Claudius but some orders I can not follow~" I say in an British man voice and bow my head to my brother.

"This isn't a joke _____! Can't you take some things seriously?!?!"he yelled getting annoyed

"Actually no Claude I can't sorry bro"I say

"Ugh CATs!" He says "you just had to be a cat demon didn't you!?" He yells and I laugh cause he looked crazy

"Well duh I wouldn't want to be a ehhww dog"I say in disgust

Claude just faceplams and leaves my room as kitty and I were snickering in the back..

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