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He held out a hand, motioning for a handshake. You smiled slightly and shook his big hands. "The names Gajeel." He introduced. "What kind of Dragon Slayer are you?" You asked, curiosity dripping from you words. He smirked an answered, "An Iron Dragon Slayer. What about you? What kind are you?" He asked sitting down in front of you. "Eh?! Your a dragon slayer too, [Name]?!" Lucy shrieked. Happy grinned. "Does that mean you have a female flying cat, just like me and Carla?" Happy asked gripping your arms in happiness.

Lisanna grinned and dragged him towards a restaurant, his favorite restaurant. Natsu followed her, since she was going to BUY the food. The white headed female walked in the restaurant an sat on the table with Natsu in front of her, as they waited for a waiter/waitress. "So, Natsu, what do you think of [Name]?" She asked with curiosity. Natsu smiled dreamily and blushed. "W-Well, I th-think she's really bea-beautiful and she rea-really SMELLS good." Natsu described. Lisanna held back her frown and fake smiled instead. "Oh. . . really?" She asked. Natsu smiled and muttered a 'Yeah'. Lisanna was really disappointed, so she frowned which turned out noticeable.

You smirked. "Well I'm a. . ." You trailed off until something bumped into you. You turned your head and looked at the sleeping figure of Gray, making you laugh. "Aye, tell me do you? I want a girlfriend!" Happy whined. Gajeel arched his left brow. "So. . . are you going to tell me?" His deep voice asked. You shrugged and shook your dad answering, "I'm not a dragon slayer." Lucy and everyone around the table stared at you suspiciously, except Gray. "Is there a secret we don't know?" asked the blonde. You sighed and truffles with your fingers. "Do I have to tell?" You whined. "Yes!" They yelled as you groaned and slammed your head on the table.

Lisanna picked on her food and waited for Natsu to finish his feast. "Om nom nom." Natsu mumbled while gobbling up all the delicious food he picked. "Say, Natsu?" She asked stabbing the carrot. Natsu's eyes turned to her, and swallowed the bits in his mouth. "Hmm?" He hummed stuffing his mouth with some chicken thighs [drumsticks]. Lisanna looked at her broccoli and stabbed it as well. "Well, do you. . . have feelings for this. . . [Name]?" She whispered, frightened. Natsu stopped eating and looked out the window, swallowing the food in his mouth, and shrugged. "I don't really know. . . she just. . . makes me really happy for some reason. . . I like that feeling. She's always giving me the blushies and butterflies that flies around in my stomach. And. . . she makes me feels. . . complete." Natsu explained. Lisanna's eyes watered. "I see. . ." She whispered blinking back the tears.

You sat up straight and looked at them, taking a deep breath. "ImanElemantalDragonSlayer!" You ranted and smiled. Everyone looked at her in confusion. "EH?! What was that?" Happy asked. Gray fluttered his eyes and looked around, seeing that he was on your shoulder, he blushed. A pair of blue eyes glared at you from afar. "Romantic rival!" She growled. "I didn't quite hear you, [Name]." Erza stated. "Repeat it." Gajeel demanded. You glared at him and pointed a finger at him. "Shut up you mettalic bastard!" You shouted gaining a punch in the face from his iron hand. You flew back and hit some tables and chairs. Lucy's eyes widened. "Gajeel, what are you doing?" Lucy shrieked. Erza shrugged and grabbed a strawberry cake, while Gray was stalked from a certain someone. Gajeel smirked abd crossed his arms. "Shes weak. She cant even fight back." You stood up shadow covering your eyes as you chuckled. "That's when your wrong!" You growled and lit your arms up with fire. Everyone in the guild stared at you in shock.

Natsu nodded and turned to Lisanna, who was in te verge of tears. "Oh, Lisanna don't cry!" He shouted nervously, hands waving in front of him. Lisanna slammed the money on the table and stomped outside and to the guild. Natsu watched in shock, but shrugged it off anyway, and followed her to the guild. Lisanna wiped the tears that came out of her blue orbs. "I've got to let him go!" She muttered. Natsu slowly walked to the guild and looked down at the floor. "What has gotten into me?" He asked himself quietly. A image of your smiling face came in his mind, making him smile as well. "Her smile. . . it's just so beautiful." He whispered and closed his eyes, remembering everything about how she smells, laughs, moves, and talks. Lisanna opened the doors of the guild seeing your arms lit on fire. She couldn't care less about you so she went to where Mira was at.

"A Fire Dragon Slayer?" Lucy, Gajeel, and Happy questioned. You smirked and aimed for Gajeel. "You stupid pierced emo freak!" You yelled and punched him, sending him to the wall. Macao [SP?] groaned and muttered, "Oh, great, another Natsu." Lucy and Happy backed away from the fight. Gajeel groaned and stood up wiping his lips, smirking. "Not bad for a girl." He stated an ran towards you. You also ran towards him as you both threw kicks and punches everywhere, calling each other's names.

Natsu looked up ahead of him to see his guild, Fairy Tail, and walked inside, only to see a fight against you and Gajeel. He smirked, but it faded away after he saw fire lot on your arms. He began to panic and ran to Gajeel kicking him away, grabbing your arms. "[Name], are you okay? Your arms are on fire!" He shrieked and dabbed the fire away making you laugh. Gajeel growled. "Hey! We were having a fight here!" He gouged with a Vein on his forehead. Natsu closed his eyes and stuk his tongue out, but only to get kicked from you. "Let's all FIGHT!" You shouted. Gajeel smirked an punched you, gaining more people fighting. Lucy and Happy sighed and backed away more.

Author's Note: Hahaha I totally cracked up on writing this chapter. Anyways enjoy!

That Beauty [NatsuxReader]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora