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You were so happy. Happy that you've found Fairy Tail and made friends ever so quickly. Mirajane smiled at you. "Well, if you want to join our guild, follow me!" You smiled back and followed her.

Mirajane stopped and looked down. You were confused. 'Why is she looking down?'You asked to yourself.

"Hey, down here!" yelled an old voice.

You looked down to see a midget, an old midget. You raised your eyebrows slightly.

"Are you the Master of this guild?" Your soft voice asked. He nodded and smiled. "You are welcomed! Mirajane give our new member the mark!" He yelled happily.

Mirajane giggled and took out the stamp. "Where do you want your mark at?" She asked holding the stamp.

You pointed at your shoulder. You closed your eyes tightly, thinking it would hurt as she stamped you, but all you felt was something soft. Opening one eye you looked at the smiling white haired girl.

"You are now in Fairy Tail!" She yelled smiling.

A big grin crept on your face as you jumped in the air, with your fist up. "YAY! IM IN FAIRY TAIL!" You walked out happily and to your friends.

Natsu stared at you as you walked out. 'Shes cute when she's happy.' He thought and smiled dreamily.

Lucy smiled and waved at you. "[Name], did you get your stamp?" Your head bobbed up and down. "Yep!" You yelled popping the 'p'.

Wendy smiled. "That's great, [Name]-chan." Erza smiled slightly. Natsu walked over to the table. "Hey guys." He greeted smiling.

You smiled at Natsu. "Hiya there, Natsu-kun!" You greeted cheerily. The blood rushed to his face. "H-Hi."

Everyone smirked at Natsu, except you. You draped your arms around Natsu and Lucy. "What are we going to do today?" You asked.

Natsu blushed even more. Being close to you made him go on his knees. Wendy stared at Natsu smiling. "Natsu-San, you look like a tomato!" Wendy pointed out and giggled.

Erza looked at Natsu and smirked. Happy sat on Natsu's shoulder with a fish in his mouth. "Natsuuuu liiiiiiiikkes [Name]!" Happy yelled mouth full.

Your eyes widened as the blood rushed to your cheeks. Natsu covered his face, embarrassed and groaned. "Happy, shut up." He growled.

Gray smirked and sat beside Natsu. "Maybe, Happy is telling the truth."

Lucy smiled and nodded. "Yea, Natsu definitely likes [Name]." You rolled your eyes playfully. Natsu glared at everyone. "Shut up."

You laughed making Natsu blush again. "What about we go on a job?" Wendy suggested. Your eyes twinkled. "Yea, I agree!"

Lucy giggled. "Okay." Natsu nodded. You fist pump again. "Yea! We're going to have so much fun!" You yelled.

Gray smirked. "Maybe Natsu will have too much FUN, with [Name]." Gray said and whispered the last words. Natsu growled.

"Shut up, Stripper!" Then an argument happened. Lucy slapped her forehead. "These boys'll never get along." Lucy muttered. You giggled. "But, it's ENTERTAINING." You murmured to her.

Lucy laughed. "True." You smiled and listened to their argument. 'Im so glad I have friends.' You thought.

Authors Note: Here's the UPDATE!

That Beauty [NatsuxReader]Where stories live. Discover now