T w e n t y O n e

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"She looks so cute. . . " whispered a familiar voice. "Natsu, what are you doing to mommy?!" shrieked a high-pitched voice. "Happy, SHHHH!" You opened your eyes and laughed. "Huh?" Natsu and Happy stared at you. You held your stomach and wiped away the tears from your eyes. "What're you laughing about?" Natsu asked, confused. You stopped your laughter and grinned. "Nothing." You replied.

"Well, good morning!" He grinned and hugged you. You chuckled and hugged back. "Good mornin."

-Skip to Guild- [The story may not follow the story line so it will kinda follow the story line :/]

"IM HERE!" Natsu shouted. You followed behind Natsu with Happy in your arms. "Oh Natsu's here!" Macao muttered. "Natsu, your just in time." Makarov said. "For what?" Natsu asked, stupidly.

Everyone facepalmed. "Are that of much an idiot, Slanty eyes?" Gray muttered. A vein popped out of Natsu's forehead. "What was that, Droopy eyes?!" The rivals heads bummed with eachother as they insulted each other.

"Natsu, today is the S-class test." Makarov explained. Natsu blinked twice. "OHOHOHO!" You smiled at his stupidity. "Mom, if me and Natsu leave for a long time, will You miss us?" Happy asked. You looked down at Happy in your arms an nodded. "Of course. Who wouldn't miss you both?"

Happy sqeauled all to girly. "Awwwwwww! Mommy!"

You were too busy thinking of what Happy said. "[Name], did you hear that?" Natsu asked all giddy up for some reason. You shook your head and stared at Natsu. "I'm sorry, what?" You asked. He sweatdropped. "Well, I got called for the S-class test." He grinned and held his thumbs up.

"And I'm his partner, Mommy!" Happy pointed out.

You smiled softly. "Who else was chosen?" You asked. Natsu scratched his cheek. "Uhh. . . I think Cana, Elfman, Stripper, Freed, Levy, and me." Happy nodded sadly. "B-But, mommy isn't gonna be there." Happy sadly said.

You patte his head and laughed. "Happy. . . I'll always be with you. In here." You said and poked his chest where his blood pumping organ was. Happy blushed and nodded. "Aye, Maam!" He yelled and saluted. Natsu laughed. "That doesn't make any sense." Natsu said, crossing his arms.

Makarov smiled, a closed eyes smile. "You have a week to train, brats!"

"OHOHOHO! Let's go train harder, Happy!" Natsu shouted an ran outside. "Aye, Sir!" Happy grabbed you and flew beside Natsu. Lucy sighed and crossed her arms. Her eyes trailed to a brunette who left the guild with a not so happy face.

'Cana?' She thought.

You watched Natsu train with logs. "What's with the logs?" You questioned. He smirked. "It's training. Just watch how I train." He answered. You nodded and sat crissed-crossed apple sauce. "Yea! Go Natsu!" Happy cheered, fish in his paws.

You sighed happily, and leaned your cheek into your palms. "Natsu will win. I'm sure of it." You muttered. Natsu grinned and turned to you. "Thanks, [Name]." You looked at him and blinked. "Huh, for what?" The Fire Dragon Slayer pointed to his ears. "I heard what you said." You felt a bit of blood rush to your cheeks, a faint blush rising. "Ahhh. . . I forgot, your a Dragon Slayer." You said.

He smiled, a gleaming one, and nodded. You tilted your head and also smiled. Happy sat there in awkwardness. "So many smiling. . . " He whispered, awkwardly.

Author's Note: HERE YA GO! Did I do good on this one? I think this chapter was pretty boring. Oh well, next chapter may be better.

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