E i g h t e en

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Of course, Natsu is still jabbing your head in the water. You gasped and grabbed his hand. "Heyyy! Almost the wrong area!!" You shouted. He smirked and shrugged. "So? They are perfect sizes." He stated. You blushed an covered your chest area. "Shut up." You muttered. He laughed. "I was just kidding.........not." He stated and muttered the last word.

"Hey, Natsu!"

The two of you tuned your heads and met up with a blonde and white haired females. A grin came on your face. "Lisanna, Lucy!" You greeted waving. Natsu sighed. 'I was just spending some time with [Name]!' He thought. Lucy and Lisanna nodded your way and grabbed Natsu's arm. "Let's go, Natsu!" Lucy shouted as her and Lisanna dragged him somewhere.

You coughed at the dust they made. "Huh? They disappeared." Happy sat on your wet hair and nodded, devouring a fish. "Lisanna probably wanted to tell him her feelings or something." A pang of jealousy hit your stomach as you clenched your fists. "Oh."

"Lucy, Lisanna, where you taking me? I was spending my time with [Name]!" He whined. Lucy and Lisanna ignored him and stopped. Lucy looked around to see if anyone saw them, but apparently no one did. Lucy put a thumbs up for Lisanna signaling no one saw. Lisanna smiled and nodded turning to Natsu. "Lisanna, what's going on?" He asked.

You an Happy decided to follow them so you used your scent to find Natsu's smell. "Mommy, I hear voices." Happy whispered. You nodded and followed to where he was.

Lisanna stared at Natsu. "I'm sorry, Natsu, but you can't be with [Name]." Natsu stared at her confusingly. "Huh? What are you trying to say?" Lisanna sighed. "B-Because she's a criminal." Natsu rose a brow. "No, she's not. Wait, Lisanna, tell me the real truth. I can smell your trying to get rid of something."

You couldn't believe your ears. Lisanna, your nakama, was trying to actually betray or get rid of you.

Lisanna looked around nervously. 'Shiz!! I shoulda known he could smell when you're lying!' She thought.

"Well......?" He impatiently tapped his foot. Lisanna felt sweat dripping on her forehead and blurted out, "She's a slut!" She slapped her mouth over her mouth. Your eyes widened. Natsu stared at Lisanna shocked. "How could you say that about [Name]?! She's not a slut! You ARE!" He bellowed.

You clamped your hand over your mouth and walked away. Lucy was watching you the whole time. She smirked. "My turn is next." She mumble to herself. Lisanna ran outta the room with a really guilty Natsu. He tugged his hair and growled. "What did I do?" He questioned himself.

Author's Note: sorry for the late update and if it's short. My grandma just passed on and it's a bit hard on me, but I'm back now! So enjoy.

That Beauty [NatsuxReader]Where stories live. Discover now