Chapter 25: Taming The Emperor

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-Mana P.O.V-

When I woke up, Akashi is no longer here, the maids said he went home earlier.

"Is it just a dream? No...I know it's not a dream".

I went to the school, Daiki frowned,"Mana, can we uhh...have a lunch? Just both of us? I want to say something...". "Alright", I nodded expressionless. The atmosphere in the class was rather heavy, the source of course came from Seijuurou Akashi.

"But he's sort of...different...", I crawled next to him. He played his shogi with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Leave me alone", he hissed.

"Why?", I asked stubbornly.

"You are indeed stubborn as usual", he glared.

"Those eyes...he's different, hes turning into his other self", I gasped.

"Akashi you-". But Akashi next movement was pretty unpredictable, he collapsed on me.

"Akashi!!", I panicked.

"He'!! He had a fever!!", I widened my eyes.

* * *

Akashi went home earlier, his driver took him. It's already lunch time. Daiki responded pretty quickly when he see my worried expression, "Is it about Akashi?". I nodded, "I can't help but worry...maybe it's my fault, he got infected by my fever". "I'm sure he's okay", Daiki grinned.

"Anyway...I'm sorry, because of me you're sick", Daiki frowned.

"Now, now Daiki it's not your fault", I shook my head gently.

"But-". "No buts", I glared.

Daiki face showed a regret, I sighed, "You don't need to think about it so hard, Daiki. Let's eat".

He nodded and continued to eat our meals on the rooftop.

* * *

"Mana", Midorima called me. "Yes?", I leered.

"It's about Akashi", he sighed. "His other self".

"I know", I saddened a bit.

"Akashi mental condition might bring a big impact to the team, I must figure out how to-".

"The reason is probably you, Mana", Midorima cut my thoughts.

"Now why would it be me?", I scowled.

"You're dense", he said.

"Midorima why you-".

"Go and meet him Mana, he needs you", Midorima said worriedly.

"I don't know what he means about me being the reason why Akashi is struggle with his other self...although I do know that his other self appear due to the stress Akashincarried on his own...he never really tell me about his problems", I clenched my fist in anger.

-Akashi P.O.V- (evening)

"I do not accept this", I growled

Me being weak because of that girl, Mana Mayoi. Why she bugs my mind? Why? Why she able to make me look this weak, I do not know how she able to weaken me like this.

A sound of a doorbell interrupted my thoughts, Mana was standing lifeless like a living corpse. "What do you want?", I approached the gate talking to her with emotionless look on my face. "Akashi, I apologize...I...I want to take care of you, this is literally my fault", a light blush crepted on her face.

"Go, I don't want to see you", I glared.

"Akashi, I want to repay my debts", she insisted.

"No, I don't need it", I answered heartlessly.

I left her, but she's still standing firmly in front of the gate. "Akashi, I won't budge from this place", she said stubbornly.

I walked toward my bedroom and throwed myself on the bed. Hopefully when I wake up, she's already gone.

* * *

The sound of winds rattling wake me from my sleep, there is a storm outside.

"I wonder if she's already gone...", I thought.

My fever is alright now, I mean I'm still not in my fullest but I think Im gettinf better. I use an umbrella and check the front gate.

"She's still there...drench in the rain".

"MANA!!! YOU IDIOT!!!", I carried unconscious Mana on the ground.

I throwed her on my bed, she's freezing.

"Repaying debts? More likely the opposite", I smug.

-Mana P.O.V-

"This's familliar...Akashi shirt on me huh?", I tried to adjust my eyes to the darkness around me.

"Mana, how long are you going to doze off like an idiot?", Akashi turned on the lamp abruptly.

"Akashi...this is your room", I said emotionless.

"You said you're going to take care of me, but instead it's the opposite don't you think?", he sneered.

"I apologize-". "Don't say that again, or I'll rip your tongue", he said sarcastically. He pinned me on the bed roughly.

"Akashi, what are you-!? It's hurt! Let me go at once!", I winced in pain.


"Akashi, agh!!!", he bite my ear.

"Akashi, why...why...".

"Akashi!!!", I slapped his face.

He was shocked by the slap I just gave him. "ARE YOU DEFYING ME!? HOW DARE-". "I don't care", tears rolled from my eyes. He stared me intently. "I want you to go back to your usual self", I tried to hold the tears, but it's no use.

I hugged him, "I even help you if you ask me". He growled and slammed me on the wall, "Really now? YOU? Helping me? What if I molest you like this?", he smirked evily as his hand unbuttoned several of my shirt and slidded to the soft spot on my back. "I-I believe Akashi won't do something like that", I said firmly.

Akashi was silenced for a moment, he sighed in defeat. "Go home, I'm not in a mood to molest you". "Akashi!-". He throwed me my school bag.

"GO HOME", he ordered.

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