Chapter 9: Emptiness, Despair, and Blooming

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-Kise P.O.V-
"So tell me Ryota...what are couples usually doing?", she asked in monotone voice. I grinned, "Like this!!", I aggresively hold her hand. " serious?", she blushed.

"I like the way she blushed", I giggled.

"But couples usually do this", I said.

"O-okay, if you say so", she averted her gaze from me, I bet she's blushing.

"She is...the only want...", I leaned on her and kissed her cheek.

-Akashi P.O.V- (rewind)
"This is babe 1!! Report babe 2?!", a ridiculous voice echoed on Tetsuya cellphone. "Uh...I refuse being called babe 2 Aomine-kun", Tetsuya said straightly.

"Remind me why I'm here again?", I sighed in annoyance.

"Stop it, both of you. This is ridiculous", I said bluntly. "I never thought spying on someone can be this fun", Tetsuya said in monotone voice. Okay. did I get this right? Just BECAUSE of a single WOMAN, they act like an idiot. We split up, I'm with Tetsuya, Daiki with Satsuki, and Atsushi with Shintarou.

"Stop your nonsense", Shintarou exhaled in frustration in the multi called.

"Hey! Babe 2!!! They move in your direction!", Daiki shouted in Tetsuya cellphone.

"Daiki, we're not deaf!! And stop called us 'babe 2'!! Or I'll tear your face apart!", I yelled.

"Akashi-kun, I see them", Tetsuya nudge me.

Ryota was walking with Mayoi, from a boutique....Mayoi was...pretty.

"Hey! Did you see that!? Mayoi-chan so pretty!!", that pink haired woman yelled in excitement in the phone. Mayoi wore a short dark blue dress showing her cleavage a bit, while Ryota wear a black shirt and jeans.

"What are they doing?", I snorted.

Suddenly Ryota hold her hand aggresively. She blushed and turned her head away.

"What exactly are they DOING...", I glared.

Again, Ryota make the first movement...he leaned toward her and kissed her cheek. Mayoi jumped, "Eeek, what did you do!?", she blushed. Ryota answered, "Aw, don't worry. We're couples now".

"Wow, did Kise-kun really meant that?", Tetsuya furrowed his eyebrows.

"Damn Kise! I'm gonna kill him!!", Daiki shouted from the phone, yes.

" imbecile", I glared.

We followed them into a park, they sat on a bench together, Ryota circle his arm around Mayoi.

"Damn it! Who does he think he is!?", I snorted.

"Akashi-kun, are you alright?", Tetsuya asked.

"Oh, don't worry about me, I'm VERY alright", I smiled.

"Ryota, what are you doing?", she asked. "I'm your boyfriend, remember?", Ryota grinned playfully. "Okay...if you say so", Mayoi blushed.
"Mayoi! Can't you see he's taking his chances!!! You stupid innocent woman!!", I clenched my fist.

"Akashi-kun, I think you need to cool your head for a while", Tetsuya looks slightly worried.

"What do you mean Tetsuya? I said I'm doing JUST FINE", I fake smiled.

"Alright, alright Akashi-kun", Tetsuya exhaled.

"Hey, Mayoicchi...can I ask you who is this Asano-kun you always mention about?", Ryota asked in curiousity.

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