Chapter 24: Sleep

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-Akashi P.O.V-

"Ohayo Akashi-san!", Michigo tapped my shoulder

"Who does she think she is?", I glared.

"Ohayo", I said emotionless.

"Manacchi!!!!", Ryota shout interrupted me. "Where's Manacchi!? Where is she!?".

"It's rare for her to be this late", I glanced at her empty seat.

-Mana P.O.V- (at home)

"Look at you...39 degree? You can't go to school this way", my mother said. "I know", I sighed. "I have to go to work now, take care", my mother pat my head. "Yes", I answered weakly.

I texted Momoi

"Momoi, I have a fever. I can't attend the school, I apologize".


-Akashi P.O.V- (after school)

"Continue practice as usual", I ordered. "Shintarou in charge". "Wait, why me?", Shintarou widened his eyes. "I have important matters to do", I said coldly. "Ahh~, is it about Mana-chan!?", Satsuki winked playfully.

"She get on my nerves", I glared.

"As the Captain, I need to know her condition", I coughed awkwardly. " you use your position as a captain for an excuse? Gee, good one", Satsuki tease me.

"This woman...", I shot her a death glare.

"Akashi, you can go", Daiki said. I gazed him in shock, "What did you say?". "She probably waiting for you, Akashi-kun", Tetsuya smiled. "Aka-chin! Go~", Atsushi said. Ryota staring me with a sad smile, "Akashicchi, you have to go".

* * *

I arrived at Mayoi residence, one of her maids appeared to spot me from the second floor and open the door. "Akashi-sama, is there something the matter?". "I want to look at her condition", I said expressionless.

"Moreover...what's with the sudden change in the team, they told me to go look for her? How dare they ordering me around", I pondered.

"A-Akashi?", Mana walked weakly toward the kitchen. "Ojou-sama!!! You shouldn't walk around in your current state!", the maid said concerned. She suddenly collapsed, fortunately I able to catch her.

"You're an idiot", I let out a sighed.

-Mana P.O.V-

"Mmm...Akashi?", I awake to see Akashi staring me intently.

"Mana, you told me not to overexerted myself, yet you did the same thing", he retorted.

"I apologize", I looked at him worried whether he's angry or not.

"Now you should focus on recovering", Akashi said calmly as he put a compress on my forehead.

"He came...I'm glad", I smiled.

"I apologize if I'm getting in your way", I looked at him.

"You're not getting in my way, you're different...and yet..", Akashi trailed off. "You ruined my perfection".


"Hm? What's wrong?", Akashi doesn't seem to realize what he just said.

"Nevermind", I shrugged.

He keep tending my fever, I blushed as I know that his hand touches with my forehead.

"I wish the time stop now", I snorted.

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