| Thirty-six

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HERMIONE IS DRESSING DOWN when a knock raps on her door. She finishes pulling on the remainder of her Devoted ensemble before opening the door.

Draco stands on the other side, a sullen look cast over his handsome face.

Hermione opens her palm and inside of it rests the golden time turner. She refuses to even meet his eyes now, because it may be too much. Her emotional breakdown could ruin all the plans the rebels have kept so secure. She would run away with Draco, if she could. Screw the rest of the world. They can fight this bloody battle without pulling her into it, but then again, they're in this predicament because of her, and no amount of distance could ever change that fact.


She looks up at him, finally. Then back down at her own hands. She's gripping the time turner with white-knuckled pressure. She drops the necklace in his hand before turning away, just in time for the tears to fall.

Draco walks into the room behind her, snaking his arms around hers. He pulls her close, and it's like the world is only them, once more.

She turns to him, then. With their faces mere inches apart, it makes it easy for Hermione to step on her tip-toes and plant a kiss on his lips. They're soft under hers, then suddenly hungry, as if he can't get enough of her. She runs her hands through his plush hair, tugging just a bit on the roots.

His hands wander her body in ways that she hasn't felt in two years, climbing and sliding down her bodice. His mouth kisses down her cheek, then jawline, then to her neck where he begins to nibble to soft flesh.

She is about to let out a quiet moan when the floorboards creak, alerting them both to the presence who has just approached the doorway.

They turn to find Severus Snape standing stoically over the threshold, dressed in dark clothes and his greasy hair slathered down around his pallid face.

"It is time," he says in that monotonous tone of his. He makes an effort to reach Draco's gaze, but he gives little attention to Hermione. He turns for the stairs without another word.

Hermione looks at Draco.

"Promise me that you'll be safe?" Her eyes search his for any sign of weakness, of diverging from the plan. She hopes he won't do something crazy in the end. They need him to perform his task, she needs him to.

"Unfortunately," he says with sorrow coloring his voice. "Come with me."

"You know I can't, but I will make my way back to you. I can feel it." She gives him an encouraging smile, all while holding back a wave of bile that has been threatening to crop up since Snape appeared.

Draco nods before kissing her again, their lips interlocking for possibly the last time.

Hermione doesn't want it to ever stop, but of course, it does. All too quickly. Soon, she is descending the stairs to meet Neville and the rest of the rebellion, but as she nears the living room, she finds Narcissa standing above Snape with her wand drawn. Not one rebellion member has stayed behind, leaving the man alone and defenseless against another former Death Eater.


Thank you for reading Avada.

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