| Nine

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INSIDE DRACO'S OLD BEDROOM, Hermione discovers the missing piece to the puzzle. Across the room stands a large black cabinet, and after all the times she's been in this room, before and after Draco's disappearance, she has never once seen this piece of furniture.

The cabinet seems to hum with magical energy, she notices as she approaches it.

What could it be, she wonders as her fingers lightly brush the smooth wood of the door. She swings open the doors to find there is nothing inside, not even a pair of shoes or a coat.

After shutting the door, she does a sweep of the rest of the room. Clothes still hang in the closet, and the thick comforter still lays on the bed, neatly made. The dust on the floor has been displaced though, probably by various trespassers, leading a straight line from the bedroom door to the cabinet.

Something has to be going on there -

She glances out the window, through the boards, to see that it's dark as pitch outside. The Dark Lord should be briefed by now on the situation, perhaps he's even on his way here now. She shudders and turns back to the dusty bedroom in time for a single noise to catch her attention.

The cabinet door creaks open, and someone steps out. Caught off guard, Hermione is instantly attacked in her daze and she immediately falls to the ground, her wand's light extinguishing as she hits the floor with a thud.

Hermione recalls seeing the blonde female before, she's as wanted by her enemies as Hermione herself. She recognizes the woman as Luna Lovegood, an important member of the rebelling forces. In the darkness, she calls out.

"Luna? Luna Lovegood?"

The other woman is silent, carefully weighing her options. She has her enemy restrained and ready for annihilation.

Hermione tries again.

"I'm actually glad to have this opprotunity -"

"You're glad that you've been captured?" Suddenly the blonde's wand is lit and pointed directly in Hermione's face. "You must really be mad. You have to be, seems like you even came here alone."

Hermione offers her kindest smile, despite still being magically restrained and on the floor.

"I'd like to offer a proposition, if you're up for a bit of negotiation," she begins, attempting to gauge the blonde's reaction and willingness to listen, and when she feels the other woman may be interested, she continues. "I will go with you, without so much as a fuss, if you tell me one thing."


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