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10 years later

"Hey Dean." The lady at the desk says.

"Hey Carol" Dean replies. Dean walks down the hall. The hall he's been visiting every day 10 years in a row. He walks into the room he's been visiting 10 years in a row. He sees the now man he's been visiting every day as well.

"Hey baby." Dean leans down and kisses Cass' forehead. He puts the flowers he got at the store down next to Cass. "I got the job I told you about the other day." Dean tells Cass about his day. He knows Cass can't hear him, but its better than nothing. "Sammy got his degree. I'm so happy for him." Dean smiles sadly. He holds Cass' hand. "I'm here for you Cass." He rubs Cass' hand and just sits, thinking about the past, thinking about the future.

"Baby I know you'll never wake up, but that's ok. I'm glad you're here. But I miss you Cass, I really fucking miss you." Dean feels Cass' hand tighten around his, he snaps his head down. Was Cass holding on like that before? His mind was probably making things up again.

Dean looks down at his feet. He takes a deep breath and gets up to go when he feels Cass' hand tighten again. Dean sighs. It was 10 years ago that the accident happened but it still hurt like it was yesterday. Dean bit the inside of his lip and closed his eyes. Cass didn't deserve to end up like this. Would he ever wake up? Probably not. The doctor said it was a 1/1000 chance. He let his mind wander when he heard a raspy voice that was all too familiar go

"I.. miss you too... Dean."

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