Chapter 3

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Cass looked around the hallways for dean but was greeted by his new popular friends. Why did they like him? Cass didn't know. This school was very strange.

"Yo what's up my man Cass!" Benny gave Cass a high five.

"Well you are very tall so I assume you are up. Theres lots of things that are currently up. The sky is up too." Cass replied getting lost in his words.

"You sure are a funny dude Castiel."


Cass was almost late to 3rd hour. The thought of being late gave him shivers down his spine. His mom would be mad. He looked over and saw dean wink at him from across the room. Cass was glad he had every class with Dean besides gym. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of him anyways. He only had a few classes with Benny and them but Dean wasn't like them. Dean was different and Cass would rather be with Dean then them but he liked spending time with the other guys too.

"Hey hey hey, how's it going Cass. How's your first week?" Dean greeted Cass. He felt comfortable with Dean. He had been going over to Deans house every day after school.

"It's going really well actually. I wasn't expecting it." Cass said honestly.

"That's just because you have this hot piece of ass with you huh?" Dean joked.

Cass' stomach fluttered, looking Dean over for the hundredth time this week.

"Hmph" Cass nodded "some ass".

Today Dean had lunch detention. Cass wasn't surprised. So he walked over to Benny's table and ate there. He was surprised at how nice they were to him. Cass wasn't anything special but it was almost like they were 4 big dads trying to take care of him all the time. It was nice to feel cared for.

Cass saw dean walk down the hallway. He couldn't help but watch him. The way he walked with such confidence blew Cass' mind. Dean was something else.

"Who are you eyeing Cassy?" Liam asked Cass

"A chick?" Added in William.

"No, it's a dick. Its Dean Winchester. What's up with him Cass? You have us just leave that trash alone." Benny told Cass.

"No stop. Dean is sweet and kind and funny and I would never leave him." Cass got suddenly defensive. "How could you leave those eyes? Just look at them. You could get lost in them..."

"Dude are you like, gay?" James lowered his voice.

"What?? No!" Cass got red. What if they found out? "

Oooh Cass has a crushh!" Benny said winking. "Stop it guys! That's not funny!" Cass was relieved that they didn't care. Cass was glad that this school wasn't so bad.

Cass was looking for Dean to go to 5th hour when he saw Dean making out with some girl by the lockers. Cass had to admit, he knew he had feelings for Dean, he just didn't want to accept it. But this hurt on levels Cass never felt before. Why did he care? He knew Dean was straight, but how could you not fall in love with Dean? His jawline alone could cut a heart open, and that's what it did.

Cass waited until Deans little session was over. He tried to mask his feelings but that was one thing Cass sucked at. It must not have mattered though, all Dean cared about was that  random girl and getting into her pants.

"Hey Dean" Cass said softly. "Oh thank god you're here Cass. I'm skipping 5th period to go get it with Anna over here. I need you to cover for me, if I get another absence I get detention for a month." Dean chuckled. "There's a party after school, wanna go?"

"Um sure" Cass would never say yes to a party but any time with Dean Winchester was a yes for Cass.

"Great. I'll pick you up at 7."

Today was another football day but today Cass was one of the first ones on the field.

"Good job Mr. Novak! Great hustle!" The coach slammed Cass in the back and he lost his breathe.

"Oh sorry" the coach walked away. Cass waited for his friends to come out. He hoped they would notice that something was wrong. They did.

"Cass what's with the frown?" Liam asked Cass.

"Dean skipped 5th hour to bang up Anna and now I'm stuck going to a dumbass party after school." Cass mumbled.

"Damn it, we're sorry Cass. That's how he is. Unless he's gay too you're going to be living in a world of this. Sorry bro."

Cass sighed. "It's fine. I just need to stop feeling like this." Cass didn't want feelings that weren't going to go anywhere, he knew that was just a disaster waiting to happen. He needed to get rid of what he felt for Dean, but he didn't know how.

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