Chapter 2

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Cass was walking to lunch with Dean who had offered to sit with him which he replied to without hesitation. He had every class with this boy and he felt pleased. The day was going by very well and Cass was enjoying every bit of it.

Cass bit into his sandwich that he made before school. He was surprised to find that Dean had no friends. He talked with everyone but didn't seem to be close to anyone. Maybe he was just an independent person. Maybe he had trust issues. Cass didn't know. He just knew that he was really fucking hungry.

"So Cass where you from? Heaven?" Dean laughed.

"Um no, what?" Cass started blushing "no I'm from Illinois but um no I'm not from heaven, well not in this life at least. I think that everyone gets reincarnated after death. My family's very religious and they've always said that being gay was a sin. I can't be a sin. How could I be a sin?" Cass was just mumbling whatever was coming to his head, did Dean ask if he was from heaven? Was Cass gay? He didn't know and it was making his head and heart hurt. He needed to decide soon. If he wasn't gay then what were these feelings? What was this? What was Cass besides an abomination?

Dean obviously didn't hear what Cass said. "Dude it was a joke, I'm kidding, that entire thing was fake, I-I didn't mean it. Are you ok?"

Cass felt a pang in his stomach. Why did he get upset? All dean did was take back pretty much the only compliment Cass had gotten in his life... oh well.

"Ya I'm fine." Cass took another bite out of his sandwich which seemed like the best sandwich ever.

"These make me very happy" Cass grinned with a mouthful of food, looking down at his sandwich. Dean laughed.

"Tell me about yourself Dean." Cass said

"There's nothing to say that isn't filled with regrets and bad choices. I am the best at making Mac and cheese though. My brothers favorite is with marshmallows!" Dean smiled remembering the crazy pasta.

"You should make it for me sometime." Cass told dean.

"Meet me after school?"

"Yeah, sure."

Cass was glad his last hour was gym. He'd rather not sweat all day, compared to as soon as he got home even though he was going to deans after school anyways.

"Today is football," the coach yelled "change then meet me on the field, last one has to do 5 laps!"

Fuck. Cass thought. He had such shitty luck he was probably going to be last.

Cass sprinted onto the field "Mr.Novak that's 5 laps!" "Dammit" he mumbled.

He barely got to the 2nd lap when he fell and a rock gouged into his leg

"Son of a bitch!" Cass yelled. He closed his eyes and winced at the pain. He looked down to see a sharp rock stuck in his calf.

"Hey buddy you alright?" He saw 4 big guys running over to him. Why would they care? "Ouch that looks like it hurts" the first dude said. "My names Benny. This is Liam, William, and James. Say hi boys" "Hi" waved 3 jocks. "We'll take you to the nurses office"

Cass walked out of school with Dean besides him.

"Bye Cass" Benny, Liam, William, and James said in unison.

"Bye guys!" Cass replied to his new friends

"Dude are you like, friends with them now?" Dean asked Cass, surprised. "You're so eh and they're so uh" Dean said using his arms to show Cass how big they were in comparison to him.

"Haha, go fuck yourself Dean. They're cool, you don't like them?"

"No not really. They seem like dicks."

"Well they aren't Dean." Cass said defensively.

"Ok, ok. Macaroni?" Dean changed the subject.

"Wow this macaroni is good. Why marshmallows?" Cass shoved another mouthful in.

"Well my dads never home and I have to feed Sammy somehow so I found different ways to cook Mac and cheese." Dean said hanging upside down from his bed.

"What about your mom?" Cass asked. Dean sat up and suddenly got really serious.

"My mom is um, my mom is dead" dean didn't make eye contact with Cass.
"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean it like th-"

"no I know, it's fine. Don't worry Cass." Dean sighed and flipped back down. Cass felt bad for asking but how else would he have known? He didn't like how Dean pushed it away.

"I don't have a dad." Cass blurted out, it sounded wrong but it was the only way he could think of to get rid of the tension.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that Cass."

Cass knew that one day Dean would snap and it wasn't going to be pretty.

Cass was upside down on the couch and dean was upside down on his bed. The couch in front of the bed.

"Do you ever think about meaning something to the world?" Dean asked Cass. They had been doing this for hours

"No. There's 7 billion people in this world how could I matter?" The blue eyed boy replied.

"Oh. That's kinda true." Dean agreed. The only thing Cass could hear was the clock slowly ticking.

He decided to break the silence. "do you- do you ever think that you're gay?" Cass' heart started beating. He wasn't sure what Dean's response was going to be.

"Nope. I'm straighter than Sammy's grades. My dad would freak if I was gay. Good thing I'm not." Dean smirked.

Cass' heart dropped. He was completely 100% fucked. He had decided earlier today that he was probably gay, if he was straight, the sight of Dean wouldn't give him butterflies or make him smile brighter than the sun. Maybe he was bi? No, he couldn't be. He'd never felt anything for a girl before. Cass had only known Dean for a day and it felt like forever.

"What about you Cass?"

"Uhhh, nope. I'm straight too." Oh no.

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