Chapter 8

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Cass pulled up in a driveway packed with cars and people. Cass knew this was the house because there were cars lined up 3 blocks down. He hopped out of the car, patted down his hair and looked around for Benny.

"Heyy bro what's up?" Benny pulled him in for a bro hug.

"Nothing good, you?" "Same dude. Want some beer?" Cass took the cup and chugged it.

"More." He rasped.

"Holy shit man slow down you just got here." He grabbed the other cup and drank it down. He drank until he didn't feel anymore. Cass shoved Benny out of the way and walked out to the living room where everyone was dancing.

It was dark. He danced and he didn't care that he was shit because honestly, everyone here was. He looked over and there Dean was. A familiar pang in his stomach. Anna appeared to be grinding on Dean. Ew. Dean was into it and didn't even notice he was there. Oh well. He came here to get away from Dean. Cass moved farther into the crowd and soon realized he was making out with a girl. Fuck it. He was drunk and he was hurt.

The girl led Cass into a bedroom. Cass tried to refuse but the girl gripped cass' wrist.

"Noo, I cand do this" His words were slurred. "Stop". He felt a hand pull his from the girls grasp

"He said stop dumbass" Dean pulled Cass away. "What are you doing getting so drunk? You could've gotten hurt." Dean sounded like a disappointed mother.

"I already am hurt. I'm going home" Cass stumbled to the door. He got halfway out when he tripped and fell.

Cass opened his eyes. Dean was walking him outside. "I've got you" Dean reassured the limp boy.

"Ma momm will be sooo pissed." Cass laughed. "She hates me." Dean dropped him into the passenger seat of the impala.

"That's why you're staying with me." Cass grinned. A night with Dean. Too bad he was drunk.

Castiel's eyes fluttered open. He heard a grunt as Dean carried him up stairs. Was he at Dean's house already? They turned a corner and Dean dropped Cass on the bed.

"Do you want to sleep in the bed or the couch or whatever?"

"Mmm, bed." Cass grinned. Now Dean would be stuck with Cass for the ultimate kinda homo sleepover. Dean tucked Cass in.

"K I'll be on the couch." Dean turned. No, this wasn't going to planned.

"Could- could you stay?" Cass wanted to snuggle with dean and fall asleep knowing he was there. "You make me feel safe and I don't feel safe Dean I feel... weird."Cass laughed at himself while Dean chuckled uncomfortably.

"Uh sure I guess, just stay on your side." Dean's face turned bright red. Cass could tell he made Dean uncomfortable. Oops. He turned the lights off and Cass could see him taking off his shirt. Hot damn. Dean walked over to the other side of the bed and got in.
"Stay on your side Cass ok?"

"Hmmph" Cass responded. He wanted to move closer to Dean. Cass didn't think Dean would like that. He rolled over with a sigh and drifted asleep lulled by Deans steady breathing.

Idk how good this is? I'm trying to make this good and I have ideas but I need to know if it's good so I can keep going. Thanks! :)

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